Paranormal or Not?

Featured, The Paranormal | 99 comments

Paranormal or an Anomaly?

There is a discussion going on in the wider community – and it has been ongoing for a few years now – involving numbers.

Apparently there are websites and email trails dating back years on this and the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved.

My attention was drawn to this by a reader, Marianne, who asks: Why do people keep seeing 444 all over the place? I’ve been seeing them for years and when I meditate on “why” I get no clarity. I’ve been seeing 4s everywhere for years. On licenses plates. Bills. Telephone numbers. DVD & VCR players, route markers, stamps, sales slip at grocery markets, etc. Absolutely *everywhere* – is there a rhyme or reason to this??  I would love a simple (good?) explanation if you have one. Thank you.

Dragon Eye View

Is this just a matter of where we put our attention is what we notice – like when we decide to buy a blue car and suddenly that’s about all we see on the roads? Is this to do with the paranormal? I don’t have an explanation? Do you?

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  1. Iris

    There's a correlation and reference to 444 in the bible, just as 666 has meaning. I also see a lot of references to 444 as a symbol of angels. There's even a book written about 444, 1111 and another (Angels 101).
    Interesting stuff!


  2. Rosemary Breen

    Thanks for that reminder Iris. Is there power in numbers – in more ways than one? If we are going back 2000 years for the Bible then maybe numbers had significance in ancient cultures or were even seen as being powerful. Which leaves me wondering, was there ever a race, tribe or culture who worshipped numbers? Im not an historian – perhaps someone can answer this for me?

  3. ravin

    I'm kind of confused on why you would think that seeing 444, or 4's for that matter would be paranormal. I don't think that it would having anything to do with paranormal at all.
    I do think that it does have to do with where your attention is at the moment. Like you said , if you buy a blue car, then for week's you see more blue car's then normal. Not because there are more blue cars but because your so into your new blue car that it is more easily picked out. The same could be said about you seeing the number 4. In groups or by it self. You have focused on that number for so long it is easier for you to pick out, then another number.
    Try focusing on another number say 7 and see how many times you pick out that number in a week. But I do not think that it is paranormal.

  4. Rosemary Breen

    Hi Ravin, Im with you on this one. On the face of it, the 444 issue doesn't seem to fall within the definition of paranormal (or more correctly parapsychological) phenomena. However, the question was raised by a member of the Psychic Revolution community and, starting at a basic level of enquiry, I thought it would be prudent to see if anyone else if following this occurrence who believes there's more to it.

  5. Ellen

    I've been thinking about this, and I don't think I altogether agree that this doesn't fall within the parameters of the paranormal, nor that it doesn't have significance.

    Marianne has been seeing the 4's for years. or rather, she has been NOTICING them for years. That's the thing. The number four is impinging on her consciousness far more than it is impinging on Rosemary's, Ravin's or mine, for example. We're all seeing it all the time, just as we see everything else. We're not all noticing it all the time.

    I don't know whether four has significance as an angel number. Having said that, it IS a number of ancient power and significance, along with other numbers, as any ancient study of esoteric and hermetic thinking will confirm. Four does in fact have some significance as an angel number, being the number of the four mighty archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, who are also linked with the four corners, the four winds, the four Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut.

    However, I would suggest that Marianne meditate upon this, reflecting quietly on 4. Just empty the mind and concentrate on it, and see what happens. You could put some crystals near you, whatever you have or whatever you feel like using. Whatever you feel like will be right for you.

    I suspect that there is a significance for you, marianne, and that given time the reason will become apparent, if you are patient and open your mind.

    Good luck with it! Ellen from Astro-Services

  6. Anonymous

    We notice what our mind, whether consciously or subconsciously, is attuned to notice and noticing is a self-reinforcing phenomenon. I don't think it's paranormal, but rather a normal artifact of consciousness, one which the viewer, in this case Marianne, has become very consciously aware.

  7. Centaur1201

    I have no definate answer, but only musings to add…
    For about a week now I have been seeing interesting combinations of number whenever I look at the clock: 11:11, 12:12, 1:23, 12:34, 2:22, and 1:11.
    This has happened before and it always seems to happen in cycles. It's always been very curious to me, and would love to know if it ever means anything.

  8. Rosemary Breen

    I notice that your email address has very similar numbers in it -ones and twos. Have you noticed that before? Would be interesting to know how you arrived at the 1201. Can you share?

  9. Lee Channing

    For many years, I've had clients discuss the "numbers" issue – I have yet to find a perfect answer. Most of the time it is the "blue car" – the more you see/think about a number, the more you see it. You wake up at 3:18 every AM, etc. – I believe we program ourselves a bit more easily than we know. We must be careful not to over-react to such happenings while remaining aware. Lee

  10. Rosemary Breen

    Lee, I think you have a point here. We are very programmable IMO and I think we do 'directionalise' our minds more than we realize. This reminds me of the power of the mind – the untouched potential – that we have yet to fathom. This frightens many scientists. Where does the mind actually reside? It isnt necessary a function of the brain because those who are pronounced clinically dead (as in near death episodes) maintain consciousness. Which part of us looks after us when we astral travel? What about remote viewing – how can we scientifically be in 2 places at once?

    There are more questions than answers, thats for sure.

  11. Kelly

    Doreen Virtue has a book on Angel Numbers and what it means to see angel numerical sequences of all kinds. Although I give credit that when you buy a blue car – then all you see is blue cars, I believe numerical sequences and repetitious signs are universe's way of confirming to us a message – or to get our attention. I think some things can be divine-(meant to be)

  12. Rosemary

    The above comment came in by email from Kelly and Ive reproduced it here, for others to share.

    Thanks Kelly. I hadnt thought of the numerical sequences in terms of Angel Numbers, but that's not surprising I guess because Im not very familiar with them.

    Ill try and put a link on the site to one of Doreen's books.

  13. Anonymous

    I for one would say there is a higher number. I sporardically see numbers at a far higher ratio than probability would dictate. Using numerology you can get an idea of what the message is. The number 44 is a type of master number adding up to 12 which is the inverse of 21 – the number of divine connection. The number 4 numerologically is to do with method and order – so I would ask if subconsious/ higher self draws you to this so much what do you need to learn regarding your method & order and spiritual connection?

  14. Rosemary Breen

    Interesting thought about method and order. Does that tend to apply to all levels of life – or more to the spiritual realms?

  15. Jason

    Hi Rosemary
    I read your email psychic revelation and then went check on my ebay items, (helps pay the rent etc) and to my surprise, my feedback for today (as it updates daily-weekly), you guess it, had three fours attached!

    Receiving your email on 444 and reading my online feedback at 14.44 at the same time, with both pages open next to each other, perhaps is a very “extraordinary” coincidence!!

    Just thought id share that!


  16. Anonymous

    From Anonymous via old Blogsite:

    I don’t see 4’s everywhere but I do see the time 12:34 a lot. Usually randomly. Look at the clock for the time and it’ll be 12:34 doesn’t matter whether it’s am or pm.
    My dad mentioned to me once that he always saw 11:11 on the clock and didn’t know why he would keep seeing that time.
    Not sure if seeing these numbers all the time is paranormal or a strange coincidence…except…I don’t know if I believe in coincidence much anymore.

  17. Anonymous

    narosis™ has left a new comment on “Paranormal or Not?”:

    I find this concept & the accompanying comments interesting yet I am one to apply it’s context to the number six nineteen [619]. I see it everywhere very much in the same manor that a gentleman does in a nationwide credit score advertisement which ran a few years ago…

  18. Vicky

    Maybe seeing a particular number repeated = a pattern all the time, is some form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. A psychiatrist could enlighten you, or you can search the internet and learn more about OCD and see if it fits the bill.

  19. Rosemary Breen

    Hi Vicky

    I can see where you are coming from but I doubt if this sort of phenomena would generally require psychiatric help. Certainly, if it became a case of OCD help would be needed but even then I would have thought a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist would be the way to go. We havent heard back from Marianne and so Im not sure how she feels about all this.

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  20. valentine da costa

    4 ia the symbol for human level of existence; NT references use them as Iraenues, Bishop of Lyon, did in his writings against heresies. 4 literaly represents the 4 corners of the earth, north, south, east, west; three-dimensional space. A triple representation of anything, numbers, phrases, etc., means this is a universal law. It cannot be changed. Perhaps Marianne is living her life only on material plane of human existence, not wishing to have contact with any other level of existence.

  21. jan

    I find it interesting where our conscious awareness takes us which is surely relevant to the observer, ie 4s mean nothing to me. So, Marianne, you have a ‘mystery’ to research – have fun with it and don’t make it too onerous – thank you for sharing the 4s in your life.

    I must add that when my daughter had twins six years ago, I suddenly seemed to see twins everywhere – and still do!! Is my subconscius re-enacting that initial pleasure? A rhetorical question because I don’t explore the reason – I just enjoy the experience.


    • Rosemary Breen

      I agree with you Jan that a pleasurable experience can be diminished if over examined. I know I do this too often! On the otherhand … to say more would be to over analyze my initial statement 🙂 Rosemary

  22. jeanie pecats

    Many people are reporting seeing various number combos showing up, particularly on digital clocks. Seems to me it’s obvious that every combo has to show up every 12 hours. They are just looking at the clock at that particular time….no mystery.
    11.11 seems to be the one they all mention.

    • Rosemary Breen

      I can see what you are saying Jeanine. There is certainly an element of coincidence and perhaps over emphasis on certain things in our lives. What may be of more interest is the element of synchronicity that arises – how our minds are directionalised to say, look at the clock at certain times; notice particular cars etc. I find it fascinating how seemingly easy it is to program our own minds and yet so few of us use this quality to better our lives – that quote about only using a certain percentage (3%) of our brains springs to mind.

  23. Marianne

    Hi, I’m Marianne (smile). Just imagine my surprise when I opened this email and saw this was being discussed!

    Okay, for example, this morning I went on the computer at 8:44. I had 44 email messages left after I deleted a bunch of junk. I was the 44th reader to post to another thread/board.

    I have 441 messages in my PM box. My mother-in-law told me my FIL used to play the lottery and would always play 441. (He is dead, so now I always say hi to him when I see that particular one 😉

    I wake up at 5:44a.

    I’ve made most of my clocks analog so I don’t have to see it. I know that sounds dumb, but I’m sorta sick of it. It’s not like the blue car thing. This has been happening for 10 (?) or so years now?

    I see 44 on football jerseys in movies. I see 44 as apartment numbers. It’s 44cents to mail a letter (I know, can’t help that). It’s 44 degrees Right Now where I live. (can’t help that either 😉 It’s all over licenses plates.

    I’ve decided that when I see 4s to smile as hard as I can, no matter what. I’ve been doing that for the past couple of months. Doesn’t stop me from seeing them, but it does make me laugh at myself (grin!).

    Here’s the sticking point: I’m not the only one who sees 4s all the time. At a place I hang out on the net, there are a whole bunch of other people who see fours all the time too. We all try to figure it out, but can’t come to any conclusion.

    I think maybe it means we are going into the 4th dimension. I also think that it is a message I am not connecting to yet. And when/if I connect to the message, then I will stop seeing the number.

    Or maybe it is just *in* me. Marianne has 8 letters (8/2 =4). My last name has four letters. I was born on the 16th (4/4). Hubby born on 8/24. My address is 48 ___ St., the guy directly next to me house number is 44 – shouldn’t it be 46? Yes, but its not. He has “four” on his license plate. (hmm…)

    In Feng Shui no one will go near the number four because it sounds like the word for death.

    But then there are the four seasons, four doves, four horsemen, four corners = structure, etc… (I have researched this for a long time now – which is why I just smile as hard as I can and let it go now.)

    Seems like their back in full force today. Ah well, life is funny – I just happen to think there is something to this and all the rest of us who constantly see it. But what do I know??? So I might as well just keep on smiling!

    • Rosemary Breen

      Marianne I’m please that you are still smiling because it seems this has been going on a very long time. I still think there is the element of reinforcement in this – the more we give our energy to something the more pronounced/manifest it becomes. I may be wrong of course and there are others who disagree (see posts below). However, before it finally does get to you you might like to try reprogramming your mind (for want of a better word) eg by seeing 44 and calling it 66 or whatever. If you do decide to do this, Id love to know if it does stop the 0ver-recognition of 44 and you might like to stop before 66 becomes a problem 🙂 Rosemary

  24. Michael

    Well here’s my input . I started to notice that it seemed the numbers 222 showed up so often in my life . I and my sister had signed up for email addresses and of course we exchanged them and guess what?! Both of the addresses have the numbers 222 . Now isn’t that odd . Also i will call her to tell her i just bought a new blue hat and she will say me too ,haha! We just laugh at it now . Thanks everyone!!

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Michael Do you experience synchronicity with others? I wonder if certain people are more open to this experience or whether it is a product of being ‘close’ to someone? I dont know the answer – just wondering our loud. With regards the numbering thing, Im more of the opinion it has to do with how we directionalize our minds, But, I may be in a minority there 🙂 What do you think?

  25. penny

    just a few thoughts from my passed yoga teacher
    ‘be careful who you let interpret the world for you’ that I find includes myself!
    Our brains are hard wired to notice that which is emotionally charged and the more we notice something then it becomes emotionally charged and we notice it more!
    For the past 50 years with brain research we have gone from ‘knowing’ in our usual puny and arrogant human way from 30% to less than 0.03% of what the brain does, so here is another TRUTH, the more we learn of the process the less we realise we know what the brain can do. Here is anothedr interpretation from Colin Wilson ‘we are spirit colonising matter’ the physical body is a kind of suit to enable our senses and existence on Earth but it also is a barrier to our long term memories (the waters of Leith) so we can smile and sigh ‘it’s a sign… but to be sure you cannot comprehend its real meaning!. So delight in the mystery and the wonderful moments when the field opens up but be careful of interpretation!

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Penny
      The paranormal is as normal to me as any other layer of life. I have always felt weighed down by my earthly body and I look forward to shaking it – and the many other encumbrances – off when I leave 🙂

  26. Anne Morgan

    Hi Rosemary,

    I’m with the synchronicity school of thought on this one.

    Years ago I used a suture in theatre with the code number 441 and always seemed to notice car registration plates with 441 in them. This progressed (must have been a bit of OCD) to noticing any plate between 440 and 449 and I would fill time on long journey looking out for them. Now we have a new numbering system it doesn’t bother me any more.

    Some years ago I used to note down all the synchronicities that occurred in my daily life and was amazed how many there were; so many in fact that I stopped writing them down as it had proved the point that they are everywhere and not necessarily a psychic manifestation.

    We just notice things that have a recent memory input into our brains or have made a significant impact to be in longer term memory.

    The more I think about it, the more I can compare our brains to computers; sometimes mine seems to work like predictive texting, is this sad or what?

    P.S. My copy of Jan Ehrenwald’s “The ESP Experience” arrived this morning form Amazon.Looking forward to reading it.

    Blessings, Anne.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Anne

      Your comment about predictive texting and ‘sad or what’ made me laugh out loud. That is something that computers cant do – yet, anyway…….

      Strange you should draw the analogy because I have heard it made before – in the context that we are born with a mind, not given an owner’s manual, and we have to learn how to use it on the job!
      So, are our brains computers and our minds the software? Scarey thought and I’m not sure I want to do there. This may even be an offensive idea to some people – I wonder? Will see what response we get.

      I think I’m in agreement with you about synchronicity. Where we put our attention is what we notice.

      If you enjoy the book (and even if you dont!) perhaps you’d like to write a short review. Its been a while since Ive read it and that would be a refresher for me and an article of interest to others in the Psychic Revolution community. No pressure though 🙂

  27. Anne

    Hi Rosemary, the book is my next in line to be read. I will try and make a sensible comment on it, (if I can understand it) and let you know in due course. I have lots on at the moment so don’t hold your breath.

    Not sure computers can’t do predictive texting, mine does it all the time when I’m browsing for web sites on Google, but I agree, not when I’m working in documents, maybe soon?…..

    Blessings, Anne.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Anne. Just a short review would be enough to whet some people’s appetite or do the reverse. 500 words as a guide.

      Anyway, hope you like your purchase.

      Ciao Rosemary

  28. valentine da costa

    Synchronicity or predictive texting, I go along with the eastern idea that we are born with a complete mind and have to learn how to use it.

    The logic of this is that every living creature has a mind that is part of the universe’s carbon-based life force.

    We and the universe are one; we have to learn how best to contribute.

  29. Anne

    Hi Valentine, I agree with you.

    I have always seen the Universe as a whole, sentient being. Everything interacting and affecting all other parts.

    Being only human, I can’t begin to think how it all works, but surely it does.

    I had a once in a lifetime experience several years ago. I was driving to work down a country lane when I had the amazing feeling of knowing what life and the Universe was all about. I was a part of it made in the image of the Creator, just like a blood cell for example, is a part of me, and the whole of creation is held together by the force of universal love (not the sentimental kind) and if only I could tune in, all would make sense of everything.

    Sadly the feeling was transient, but I have never forgotten it and hope I might tap into it again some day.
    Bright Blessings, Anne.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Ill just pop in here between you and Valentine Anne. You were certainly blessed to have had that moment of ecstasy. The closest I got to this recently was on a trip to Europe when I literally felt the universe open up for me, magical things happened that reaffirmed my belief in being totally supported. Now, if only I can keep this knowing with me!!!

      • Sean

        can you describe some of the magical things?

        • Rosemary Breen

          It was the equivalent of what psychologists are now calling being in the flow Sean.

          Snow storms, blizzards, train delays, airports closed and yet we managed to get on an earlier train and arrive earlier than we originally intended. That sort of thing. Being in the flow to me is magical and it is like a tap on the shoulder from the Universe to say Im in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.

          That is magic to me.



  30. valentine da costa

    What both Anne and Rosemary experienced were moments of cosmic consciousness, a term coined by Edward Carpenter, an Englishman sympathetic to the early labour movement in this country, to women’s rights, and to sexual freedom for all. He was a friend of the American poet Walt Whitman, and acquainted with another of WW’s friends, Richard Bucke, who wrote a book at the end of the 19th century entitled, Cosmic Consciousness. It’s a classic, and not far from Wm. James’ Varieties of Religious Experience.

    Cosmic consciousness, according to Bucke, is what all of us will experience eventually, but like other non-visible senses (eg, colour sense), needs time to develop fully in the human race. The same may be true of other such things as second sight, thought transference, etc.

    Cosmic consciousness is characterised by a total lack of negativity, a different and higher level of understanding, is experienced only briefly, and usually brings about a complete change of attitude in those lucky enough to experience it.

    It’s a higher development we’re all heading for.

    Best, Valentine

    • Sean

      Sounds like Abraham Maslow’s ‘peak experiences’ as expounded in his self-actualisation work in the 70s.

      I like the free love part…

      • Rosemary Breen

        Im familiar with the hierarchy of needs but not sure if anything was mentioned about free love or not.

        Besides, Im more a supporter of the Economic principle TANSTAAFL.


        • Sean

          Edward Carpenter.

          There was also a lot of free love in the 60s but it didn’t work out terribly well for a variety of reasons.

          Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is his most famous contribution, heavily beloved by HR types, and funnily enough the one I disagree with the most theoretically in terms of creating a strict hierarchy or pyramid of needs, and his placing of ‘self-actualising’ people at the top. There are reasons I disagree with it which revolve around his detailed treatment of ‘self actualising’ people in ‘Motivation and Personality’. He has a lot of other interesting things to say in that work though.

          • Anne Morgan

            I was there in the 60’s and some of my friends did the free love thing. I was in a committed relationship to by then to my husband that lasted 17 years before divorce.

            Two of my friends who had multiple partners in the 60’s remained married to their eventual choices for the rest of their natural lives. Sadly age has taken its toll, nothing to do with youthful indescretion. Apart from an increase in STDs, I can only think fondly of those bygone days.

            I have read several books on philosophy, psychology and comparative religion and the older I become, the more I think “neither accept or lightly reject” other writers’ comments.

            Sages have tried to mould us to their ways of thinking, each generation believing they have got it right. There probably will never be a completely correct way to view mankind.

            Do what thou wilt but it harm none is my philosophy, very hard to adhere to and I probably fall from grace on a regular basis, still ignorance is bliss……

  31. Rosemary Breen

    Thanks for your insights Valentine and for the reference to Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind (Cambridge Library Collection – Spiritualism and Esoteric Knowledge).

    I’m certainly familiar with the term Cosmic Consciousness and now I know its source. Another entry on my list to read.

    Just talking out loud Valentine, do you think there is a link between cosmic consciousness and the more recently coined term of ‘flow’ from positive psychology?


  32. Anne

    Hi Valentine,
    Thank you for sharing that, I have heard it referred to as a “Road to Damascus” moment.

    Going back to previous comments about numbers and 11.11 in particular. I seem to remember Yuri Geller in his “alien” phase making a comment about this being a significant number, but I can’t remember why.

    People with a particular feel for 11.11 may be picking up on the time and date used for Remembrance Day and the two minutes silence at 11 minutes past 11 am on the 11th of November each year.

    What a bonus this year, it will be Hope I haven’t offended anybody.
    Bright Blessings, Anne.


    Take a look at this if you are interested in these matters.

    An excellent book Cosmic Consciousness Revisted: Modern Origins and Development of a Western Spiritual Psychology [Paperback]
    Robert M. May

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thanks for this recommendation Penelope.

      Any chance you are up with positive psychology and ‘flow’? We could do some more insights.



  34. Valentine DaCosta

    Please tell me about ‘flow’ from positive psychology; as is obvious, I’ve not heard about this.

    Does it by any chance link up with the idea of the dance of the universe? This is about the connectedness of all events
    – the butterfly effect.

    Best, Valentine

    • Rosemary Breen


      With apologies to Csíkszentmihályi (prounounced ckiksen-me-hi) I liken ‘flow’ to what athletes call the zone; total focus and immersion in the current activity such that all else falls away and a clarity is revealed. I know it is used in relation to education, sport and music and I think there would also be a place for it to be associated with religion and spirituality. Perhaps someone else can throw more light on this connection for us Valentine? Perhaps in prayer and meditation some people (historically, eg I’m thinking of the saints the levitated) the observable state of ‘flow’ is similar to the awareness, Cosmic Consciousness?

      Help needed 🙂 I dont want to go any further out of my depth. Is there a positive psychologist who can join in here?


  35. Valentine DaCosta

    Thanks for this about flow.

    I think it’s another word for concentration, the state of absolute focus in which all negativity – anxiety, resentment, anger, etc. – is removed. Which is why, after a bout of total concentration on any sort of activity, one usually feels completely refreshed.

    It isn’t the same as Cosmic Consciousness. Flow,or concentration, can be achieved by a deliberate act of will, a conscious desire/need to pay attention.

    Flashes of cosmic consciousness occur without premeditation or forewarning, though I myself think they probably arise out of a particular set of circumstances not deliberately entered into.

    It’s interesting to note that Krishnamurti, for example, appears to have been born with this already-developed higher level of consciousness.

    (We have to think in terms of levels of consciousness, which vary throughout every minute of our lives.)

    Best, Valentine

  36. Penelope

    Sorry haven’t heard of this but psychology will eventually catch up to old knowledge.

    It it the ‘here and now’ wonderful old hippy book, being present, mindful etc. nothing new, just slowed down by brain and academic focus.

    All of us do it occasionally It is that breath taking (the words give us a CLUE!!) moment of wonder: looking at the stars, our child sleeping, a flower whatever and gasping before clever brain kicks in with words (eg ‘oh i must share this with someone, how beautiful etc’).

    The brain is extraordinary but needs to be by passed occasionally to experience spirit.

  37. Michael C

    Wow, this is strange I know there is an email “glitch ” where I will receive two emails from this site . I had made a comment on here a while back about my number #222 . So anyway, I’m just checking my email when I notice that I have seven emails from this site and all of them at 2:22 lol is that not the funniest thing ever!! I just love stuff like that . Thanks Michael

    • Rosemary Breen

      Spooky stuff hey Michael!

      When we are ready – the stuff appears 🙂



  38. Larry

    I do not believe that the 4’s have anything to do with the paranormal. Just like what has been mentioned before, it’s a matter of paying attention to a certain number, color or type of person that you would be attracted to. For one reason or another, people get fixated on a certain thing and it just stands out more. The things that you are not interested in get ignored.

    • Rosemary Breen

      I tend to agree with you Larry as Ive not come across any phenomena like this being discussed in the paranormal books. For some reason this issue has taken on a life of its own and I think it belongs more in the psychology arm of science rather than the parapsychology branch.



  39. Bob

    11:11 is beginning to drive me a little nuts. Its frequency is popping into my existence, and it is a bit unnerving. Mind you, I have never bought into anything paranormal, supernatural, outre — however you wish to describe the ultra bizarre. I’m not totally negative — just unyieldingly skeptical about all such things. Case in point: I am agnostic. Case in point: I have great doubts about life after death, ESP, out-of-body experiences — all of it.

    But 11:11 is making me bite. I’m certainly not convinced, but I am biting. Lately, it showed on my clocks three times in a two-week span. It’s been occurring often enough in the past few years — often enough that it is a bit eerie.

    I’ve read all the explanations: religious and otherwise. It’s a time of change to those who experience it; it’s a calling to tell the world that change is needed; it’s God’s angels messaging me; it’s a reference to Isaiah 11:11 signifying God seeking our attention. No matter — for me it all adds up to skepticism, doubt, and a very questioning attitude. BUT I cannot deny the frequency with which I see 11:11 on my clocks and the mounds of websites devoted to 11:11 that struck me when I finally just had to Google it.

    What is making me bite moreso than I have for any other supposed supernatural phenomenon is the mathematics involved. Let’s look at the math as it relates to the digital clock.

    There are 60 minutes X 24 hours or 1440 minutes per day; that’s 720 per 12 hours. If we were to theoretically look at the clock once per day, the odds of us seeing 11:11 is 1438 to 2 or 719 to 1 against seeing 11:11. If we look at the clock an incredible 100 times per day, the odds are still incredibly against seeing 11:11. Specifically, 100 peeks offers the following odds: 1340 to 100 or 670 to 50 or about approximately 13 to 1 against seeing 11:11 on that given day. The point is that the frequency of occurrence on a clock that has been occurring for me of late simply DEFIES THE ODDS! That is disturbing, and that’s what MAKES ME BITE.

    I know that out bodies might very well be tuned into a biological rhythm or biological sense that makes us look at the clock at certain times. But is our biological sense so precise that it looks when an EXACT minute is occurring??? I also know that 11:11 is a keenly unique number pattern, so that we might be very struck when we see it, and we recognize it more than when we see other digital times. I recognize these arguments. But the mathematical odds still deny these explanations.

    I am still by no means a believer. It’s going to take quite a bit more than this to make me accept the supernatural, but it admittedly has me biting.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Bob

      Thanks for writing what’s on your mind! This is quite a meaty post and so Im going to write as I read.

      First of all, before reading a bit more on the internet just now, my understanding of the paranormal was that a person could be atheist, agnostic or religious and experience the paranormal. Then, I read that the definition of agnostic is ‘a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study’. That, is a much broader statement and I suggest it could apply to any aspect of life. So, semantically ill put this point aside and just leave you with my opinion that the paranormal is indiscriminate where manifestation is concerned.

      11.11 is making you bite – mmm. Why not hold onto your beliefs and put this phenomenon down to psychology and where you place your attention (red car, house for sale etc)? Surely, the number of 11.11 websites is just a further example of this psychological, not parapsychological occurrence?

      And, now looking into the maths of it all, why not consider two other points. First, we can easily condition our minds, so why not subconsciously or otherwise condition it to look at the clock precisely at the desired time? Directionalising the mind is surprisingly easy. Secondly, consider the scientific hypothesis (not sure it has been proven beyond doubt yet) that the mind interferes with matter (refer Dean Radin, a physicist for further information on this The classic example is the computer freezing when things heat up and the pressure is on (psychokinesis), so why not entertain the possibility that your mind can interfere with the clock?

      In answer to your question concerning the EXACT time, why not? Humans at our best are finely tuned instruments and so why not? Nursing mothers have been shown to have the let down of breast milk at the precise time that their baby is crying – even though their babies are miles away.

      You dont have to believe in the paranormal Bob to witness it. Again, it may be in part a matter of where you put your attention. I love the science and the mathematical sides of the paranormal as much as the experiential. They complement each other.

      So, may I suggest play with it all. With an open mind and the focus of a trained researcher read and question what is, what has been proven and what may yet to be discovered. Whether it is paranormal or not may be just a matter of semantics and, Im unsure whether it matters too much at the layperson’s level of understanding.

      If what you read pushes your buttons, so much the better because I think there is so much being hypothesized and proven at the edges of discovery that we should be excited. Is there a God? I have no idea. Does it matter paranormally speaking, I doubt it.



      • Bob

        Rosemary, you have offered me such an interesting, informative response. You’ve given me a lot of time, and I appreciate it all. I love your final paragraph; it is positive and encouraging and without judgment.

        Since writing my piece for your blog, I have seen 11:11 three times —that’s three times in about four days: while in a lengthy conversation with a friend four days ago, last night upon awakening when I first went to bed at about 9:30 p.m., and then today while on the stationary rower as I checked how much time had transpired. It’s not as if I was checking the clock constantly in each of these activities. This is what is so stunning. I awakened, and there was 11:11. I probably looked at my time on the rower perhaps on only five occasions, and there it was. As you have suggested to me, I will play with it all with an open mind.

        Rosemary, thanks again.

        • Rosemary Breen

          My pleasure Bob 🙂 Hope you’ll sing up for the weekly newsletter or subscribe to the comments.

          In the main I seem to have attracted a group of paranormal moderates and your voice would be welcome on the breadth of topics we explore.

          Hopefully you’ll feel comfortable dipping in and out of Psychic Revolution.



  40. Marianne

    Hi All, Marianne here 🙂

    Now see, seems a lot of people are seeing 11:11 = 4. So kind of weird there.

    I most certainly believe in a higher source of awareness. I’ve had dreams where I’ve watched myself being pulled out of bed and taken out into the Universe. I had been asking my husband that night that I wondered if space ever ended.

    Well, from what my dream showed me, it doesn’t.

    What happened was I was watching myself being pulled from the back (legs out front of me) through the Universe. The speed was amazing! When we got to the end of the Black Universe, we entered the White Universe. When we got to the end of the White, we were back in Black.

    Seems the Universe does not end – ever.

    In another dream I saw Source Energy. It was 2D which is why you can’t see it unless you are standing in the exact right spot. It was beautiful. All sorts of electrical energy and a feeling of ‘every thing is wonderful’ – So many happy souls.

    So I most certainly believe in things other than “spooky” ( 🙂 ) 4s.

    However, I still see them. I tried ignoring them. I set my clock to analog on my phone – that cut down on it a bit. But it comes up all the time. Now I just look at it and figure it’s a message.

    What message? To remind me to smile. Be considerate. Be grateful. Be kind. Take time out to notice the good that is everywhere. I figure if I have to see it, I’ll put *my* own message to it.


    Marianne 😀

    • Rosemary Breen

      hey Marianne

      Do you know what? I think you’ve touched on a very important point here. As with most things in life, whether it is something that happens to us or something we see, it is us who gives that thing meaning

      My belief is that life, in and of itself has know meaning. It is our right/role/responsibility to give it meaning. And so you have done with your ‘ones’ !

      Thanks for dropping by again.


  41. Marianne

    Rosemary, there is a saying that I think will resonate with many….

    “What arises in form is meaningless. It is only our thoughts that give it meaning.”

    I guess that’s what you just said but it’s from Time-wave Energy. Look it up, I think you will find it interesting. There’s a short explanation somewhere on the web. Just google it.

    It says that every 20 days we are going through a period of time (dark ages, for example or Egyptian Empire, etc.).

    On Dec 2011 “Extreme Novelty” will begin and life as we know it will cease to exist on Earth. A new Earth is being formed and out of it we will all change. Like it or not. I believe it says we will go from having a double helix to having a triple helix, giving us much more intelligence.

    You see there is a language written in the very world we look at every day. But many (most?) of us have lost the ability to read it.

    That ability will come back. As will many other things. Manifesting will be de rigueur.

    If anyone is interested they might want to google “The Ringing Ceder’s of Russia” and read the book (9 in all, translated from the Russian version). Very much an eye opener.

    Just some random things I thought you and others might find interest in…,

    • Rosemary Breen

      Marianne I never cease to be amazed at your knowledge and the breadth of your area of interest.

      In one post you’ve mentioned at least two topics – time-wave energy and Ringing Cedars.

      While Im not that much into mysticism at this point in my life I know some here may be. So, a couple of references are: ring cedars and scathing weekly

      As far as the Time-wave energy goes I will leave that to Marianne to provide a suitable reference as my brief dip into the topic left me with an overriding impression of forums and chat and I couldn’t find a reference point that gives a good, concise introduction to the topic. Back to you Marianne!



  42. Marianne

    Back in January there was a very simple explanation of Time-wave Energy online. All in lay-mans terms. And short too! 🙂 However I can’t put my finger on it at this particular moment. I will do some digging and see if I can find the article.

    Another thing that some here may be interested in is: “2012 The Internet Movie” – it is about 2-3 hours long and fascinating. You can only watch it online. Here is the link:

    It explains time-wave energy insomuch as the way it relates to the changes that are coming up. Most of the people who talk are scientists with a wonderful sense of humor! I’ve watched it 2wice and I’m going to watch it again.

    Rosemary and everyone else: Have you heard of the “Georgia Guidestones”?

    A bit of info on it:
    The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

    The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge.”[1] The monument is almost 20 feet (6.1 m) tall if the buried support stones are included, exactly 18 feet (5.5 m) otherwise,[2] and made from six granite slabs weighing more than 240,000 pounds (110,000 kg) in all.[3] One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

    …A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
    3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
    4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
    9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
    10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

    If I remember correctly, the man who had it built used a false name and paid in cash then disappeared into the night.

    Just thought you all might be interested,

    • Rosemary Breen


      You are the researcher’s researcher “)

      I hadnt heard of the Georgia Guidestones monument. Im wondering if it is well known outside of the States? The principles engraved there upon are certainly sensible and the sentiments enduring. Now, if only we can put more of them into practice.

      And, upon your recommendation I will watch the video. It does seem extraordinarily long but the inclusion of scientific input has got me interested.

      Im wondering why we can only watch it once. Can you let us know more on that please Marianne – perhaps when you find that elusive brief article on time-wave (exactly what I was looking for but couldn’t find).



  43. Anne Morgan

    Hi Rosemary
    The posts on Psychic Revolution have got me surfing the net this morning.

    I’ve never been a fan of the “end of the world” theories but have been fascinated by the Mayan long count calendar.

    The Host’s Play of Life began in 1971 and will end on December 24, 2011 AD–a 40 year term. This time period is also the “tenth and final descent of Voltar’s People.”

    On one website I came across the insert above.

    In all my reading I have never encountered Voltar’s People but it does explain to me at least, why the expected Mayan date of 23/12/2012 for the end of the current cycle (not the physical end of the world) has been brought forward by a year to 24/12/2011.

    My theory has always been that the Mayans were aware of some very long term astronomical event that is due to re-occur at the end of their count. As known near encounters of space objects (see the site is gradually increasing, plus the objects appear to be getting larger and closer in their trajectories, I wonder if this is what the Mayans understood and knew there would be a strike again around this time.

    As for the sudden change of everybody’s DNA to a triple helix on a given day in history, I am baffled as to how this could possibly happen.

    Back in the 80’s I bought a CD of new age music, which is lovely and peaceful to listen to, but was supposed to change my DNA. Needless to say I have not noticed any changes in my physical body not attributable to the natural ageing process.

    I await with interest the coming December 23rd.

    • Rosemary Breen


      Whatever is this helix altering music? Guess we are all energy and we vibrate and so our DNA resonates with our own personal vibrations and ……. Im not sure I want to rock my DNA that much! Maybe you have changed Anne and it is just that you have split in two. Maybe there is an old helix and a new helix Anne existing??

      Please put it in your diary to wish me Happy Xmas and remind me of 23/12. Why do these things happen at the busy time of the year?

      Thanks Anne.


  44. Anne Morgan

    Hi Rosemary, you wanted to know about the DNA music, its called STARSEED by Andrew Forrest. Track 1, Interstellar Harmonics is for DNA activation -Yang and track 2, Merkabah Resonance is for DNA activation- Yin. There is no information on the disc or the printed insert, but google Andrew Forrest Starseed and there is lots, including a Youtube version of what I suppose is the music on my disc. I have not listened to the Youtube version but as I’ve listed the track names above, it should be easy to check if it is the same.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thanks Anne. Ive got it playing as I type.

      Certainly this type of music vibrates deeply with me. It is not settling -more energizing I guess.

      For others who are interested in Andrew Forrest’s music (see he lives in NZ now) here is a link:

      Andrew Forrest – Starseed

      And here is his website.

      Andrew Forrest

      Does it alter our helix? I don’t know but as Marianne has said in another post maybe we are already doing that ourselves.

      Happy listening.

      Thanks Anne.


  45. Marianne

    I don’t think the change from double to triple helix will change literally overnight, I believe it is an on going process – happening right now. And that’s what the whole 2012 is about. Like Anne said, it’s not the ‘end of the world.’ We will all change. It’s both a Big Deal and No Big Deal. 😉

    Rosemary, I’ve watched the movie twice, but I went through this website to get the link. It’s a bit down the page: I would *love* to hear your opinions on the movie. 😀

    Being from the States I never heard of the Georgia Guidestones either. Then one day I just came across it and thought WOW, Cool! I doubt many over here know about it either – at least in my little section of the world.

    Re: The triple helix change…
    My brother has both M.S. and a tumor in his brain. M.S. usually kills a person within so many years of getting it. He’s been living with it for 10+ years.

    The tumor gives you 7 to 11 months to live. (According to the Mayo Clinic) Well, his doctor got him into a research study and he managed to shrink it. It is now 80% smaller and getting smaller still.

    Yesterday the doctors asked my brother if he’d leave his brain to them when he died. Apparently he has a whole lot of colors and activity going on in his brain that others don’t. Which was why he was able to shrink the tumor.

    Now the M.S. is getting him. It attacks the lung muscles and that’s how you die. They told him this was beginning to happen yesterday. After they told him they asked him to try and heal that the way he did the tumor.

    He is tired. He said he has to keep his mind in a state of “Yes I Can” and he’s tired of being in that state of mind. It saps too much of your strength.

    So I believe his brain is a bit ahead of where we are all headed – the ability to heal ourselves. After all, crabs grow new legs. Chipmunk grow new tails. Why can’t we?

    I don’t have an answer. All I know is he can and did. And if that is an example of what 2012 ushers in then I most certainly look forward to it.

    Marianne 🙂

    • Rosemary Breen

      Oh Marianne

      Im so sorry to read about your brother’s illnesses. In the midst of life we are reminded how close we are to death.

      Is there anything we can do to help? Im sure the healers amongst us will be willing to do absent healing and whatever else they can do.

      Your brother’s powers of healing are remarkable. And now it seems he needs to recharge.

      Where do we go to do that? Where is our nearest charger?

      Now there’s a thought. Part of the self healing function must involve continual renewal/top up of our own healing processes. The key must be unconscious competence. Who has learned to do this unconsciously and what do they do?

      Any ideas? I end up with more questions than answers Marianne but I guess that is to be expected and encouraged.

      Love and light to both you and your brother.

      Take care.


  46. Anne Morgan

    Hi Rosemary and Marianne,
    I’m sorry to hear about Marianne’s brother. I am a fatalist and believe when my number is up, it is time to let go. I also have a great interest in healing and the power of the Universe to take thoughts and use them, so I will be sending my healing thoughts along with anyone else to help with the declining state of the M.S.
    Many years ago when I was struggling to become a “spiritual” person, I was told “to let go and let God”. Over the years I have found this a good way of coping with problems, especially when I know deep inside that there is nothing I can do on a human level. I hope Marianne’s brother can let go of his health issues and leave it up to which ever God/Goddess or Universal Power he acknowleges to do what is pre-ordained for him at this time. I send love and light, peace and healing in my Pagan tradition.

  47. Marianne

    Hi Anne and Rosemary,

    I am bringing him up to our house this coming Friday until Wednesday. He is taking a 20 hour train ride both ways. This will put his mind at rest as he watches the land roll by.

    He will not give up. I know him. He’s doesn’t believe it’s his “time” yet. So, having him up here for a bit, letting him re-charge, not thinking of anything, watching funny movies, telling jokes, etc. is what we are going to do.

    We’re not going site-seeing or anything like that. He doesn’t want to. He just needs to rest his mind. He said when he gets back home, he’ll begin anew.

    You’d think he’d be a mess. But he’s not. I’m a mess. I can’t take it. I don’t know if I can put on the “happy” act. I feel frozen. Unable to move forward. I don’t know why.

    My husband said together we can do this. I am leaning on him.

    If someone does know how to control things, especially oneself, I would love to know. I already do “EFT-tapping” it always helps. I write out gratitude lists a few times a week. I can manifest things, but small things like green lights, parking spots, songs on the radio, sales at stores, flowers, my car (it was free), etc., and I know that if you have “no doubts” then you have “no worries” – we are always taken care of no matter what.

    But I don’t know if I can do this. Of course it’s only Monday and he’s not coming until Friday late afternoon. If he sees tears and wringing of hands, it’s not going to do him any good. So I suppose, with the lack of any better suggestions, I’ll just “Fake it and make it.”

    Yes, we are reminded how close we are to edge – maybe sometimes we need to know that so we’ll “live” and not simply “exist.” I’ve got to get back to my usual state of being, peaceful & calm, for him. Right now I’m very far away from that.


    • Rosemary Breen


      I can feel your pain and, the love you feel for your brother. He’s obviously coming to the right place to recharge and revitalize.

      Remember he’s your brother. I agree with Anne – openness and honesty now and for as long as you are on this earthly plane seems like a good way to be. Spend your time immersed in pink light for healing and sharing. take your lead from him. If he wants to talk then talk. If he wants quiet give him solace. Im sure you are well tuned to each other and you will make the most of your time together. Enjoy him as much as you can. He obviously chooses to be with you – you in all your frailties and foibles.

      Take care.


  48. Anne Morgan

    Hi Marianne,

    it sounds as if your brother has got it right.

    As I was a nurse in my working days, I had to detach myself from the suffering or I would have gone to pieces, so I know how you are feeling. There are no words of wisdom I can impart to you.

    When my father was dying of cancer we were just very honest with each other, talked about what was to come, shed our tears and said all the loving things we meant to each other while he was still able to appreciate the frankness and then got on with being as normal as physically possible so that when the end came I could smile and wish him well in the new dimension.

    Parting is such sweet sorrow, as the bard said. Enjoy his presence and if you want to off load your private sorrow, ask Rosemary for my e-mail address and I will gladly listen to what ever you want to share.

    My thoughts are with you. Blessed Be. Anne.

  49. Marianne

    Thank you for your offer Anne, you are very kind and thoughtful.

    Rosemary, I like the be in pink light. I’m going to create that.

    My whole life he has made me laugh. He tells great stories, does wonderful impressions and is just funny.

    He gave me away at my wedding so we’ll be looking through some old photos and laughing about that.

    I’m okay. It is what it is. Not good. Not bad. Not Right. Not Wrong. It simply IS.

    So, that’s life. He will fight against this. I know him. And he could very well win! If he doesn’t, well he’ll go back to his Star, write a new script and come back down here again.

    He’s can’t wait to eat a real Italian Pizza and here in MA we certainly a plethora of those! 🙂

    We’ll have fun. He’ll rest. It will be okay. I’ve decided to let things unfold without forcing anything. We talked yesterday (3times) he’s very excited. So am I. All will be good. I will not say good-bye. Just can’t. He knows how much I love him, we say it all the time.

    We’ll be the 3 Flamingo’s (boston legal reference) and do whatever we want.

    At least that’s the way I’m leaning.

    Well, this certainly got off the subject of 4s didn’t it? 😉

    Thanks for your support. It has helped more than you will know.
    Hugs, Marianne

    • Rosemary Breen


      Your post made me smile – so you’ve hit the right mark with me – and I’m sure you will with your brother too.

      It is off topic – and life isntt compartmentalized 🙂

      All the best.


      • Bob

        To Anne, Rosemary, & Marianne,

        I have been following your posts regarding the illness of Marianne’s brother. I obviously don’t know any of you, but I just want to say how warm, comforting, and compassionate all of you are in your exchanges. The Internet can sometimes be a rough place, especially with the anonymity of all. But you three refute any of that.
        Marianne, enjoy the hugs you give your brother.
        Yes, the topic has temporarily drifted away from the “4’s” and my “11:11’s” and other such paranormal chat, but it’s drifted into a wonderful zone. I, for one, enjoyed reading your comments.


        • Rosemary Breen


          How kind of you to take the time to comment.

          We three ladies do not even know each other in the usual sense and, in fact, we live on three separate continents. Yet we have met and, as you say Bob, it has been a meeting of more than minds.

          Ciao for now


  50. Anne Morgan

    Hi Marianne, I hope Rosemary doesn’t mind me hijacking her website to send messages to you. I just want to say that I’m glad you have managed to “open a door” that has a bright light within. Stay positive and be assured I will be thinking of you and your brother. Love and light, peace and healing to you. Anne.

  51. Marianne

    Bob, how sweet you are. 🙂 The internet can be a (ahem) harrowing place sometimes. Yikes, ey?! Thank you for posting!!

    I do think it’s great that we are all over the world and yet connected like this. 20 years ago this would never be. I’m so glad it’s here now 🙂

    Anne, thank you for saying you’ll stay with me. I’ll be looking for your “ray.”

    I got this saying in my email this morning and I wanted to share it with everyone.

    “There is a silence, a peace, and a calm that belies every moment, Marianne. You’ll find me there.

    Pink tutu and all –
    The Universe

    PS: Actually, you can find me anywhere, Marianne, but there in the silence I’m harder to miss.”
    Sometimes things come up that we really need to hear and “The Universe” has a way of doing that.

    These messages from the Universe are on Mike Dooley’s site: – he’s is an amazing man with a great background story. You can sign up to get these types of messages everyday if you want.

    Anne & Rosemary, thank you x1000,
    With all sincerity,

    • Rosemary Breen

      I have just signed up for my own tutu Marianne. You’re right it looks a wonderful site.

      And Ive put a link to the site on my blogroll.

      Its Friday where I am and today is the day your journey continues with your brother by your side. Enjoy Marianne!


  52. Marianne

    Well, the visit was *much* harder than I thought. I don’t know if he can fight this. He is very weak and doesn’t move much. His speech is almost gone. To watch him walk is painful. He enjoyed his train ride both here and home. At least that’s something…

    Since he went home he’s been in and out of the hospital.

    I’m sorry it took this long to post anything. I’ve been trying to get my belief system back. It went away for a bit. If it hadn’t been for my husband finding me a particular movie series to watch, I think I’d still be crying.

    Well I’m glad I saw him one more time.

    Hard to talk about.

    Thank you all for being there,

    • Rosemary Breen


      I have been thinking of you consciously and then, unconsciously you would pop into my head too.

      Sorry to hear the visit was so difficult and bravo for making the best of such a difficult situation.

      Enjoy him while you can. He obviously needs you and you he. I’m sure you’ve said all that needs to be said now and, while you’re under no illusion about what may lie ahead, it seems this is a time for you to reflect intimately on the big questions of life, death and why?

      Blessings Marianne. Be kind to yourself.


  53. Anne Morgan

    Hi Rosemary
    There are so many threads to follow these days that I’m not sure where to post my thoughts.

    I have just read Antony Borgia’s book Life in the Worlds Unseen.

    I found it very interesting as it reminded me of an old book I read many, many years ago on the same theme. I would very much like to believe that the afterlife is so idyllic, but it seemed too perfect to be true.

    I eagerly await the time when I can find out for myself and hopefully communicate with somebody still in the earthly body to confirm or deny the contents of the book.

    I realise the Catholic priest in spirit had a very Christian point of view, but I did wonder why there was no mention of reincarnation.

    This was fully accepted by the early Christian church and as the Monseignor did try to put right some of the modern teachings of the church, he never mentioned the early beliefs that had been expelled by various Popes.

    The Cathars had a good grasp of the teachings on reincarnation and there are several mentions of it in the Bible.

    Perhaps there are some followers of these blogs who could give me more information.

    • Rosemary Breen


      Your post has prompted me to remember a book I read sometime ago called Testimony of Light. It was the mention of the priest that caused me to remember. It is a view of life after death as experienced by an Anglican nun Sister Frances Mary and channelled to Helen Greaves, the author, via telepathy. I mention this book here only by way of reference as it wasn’t one that spoke to me and I could recommend but, nonetheless, it’s well received by others.

      At least your book left you wondering Anne. I’m not sure whether you fully enjoyed yours either and, as I haven’t read Life in the Worlds Unseen, can’t comment.

      I remember someone once explained to me why they believe the Catholic Church dropped the reincarnation theme from their teachings and that it had to do with money. The parishioners started to reason that as they had a few more turns on the merry-go-round of life they decided to hold back on donating to the Church. This, I’m lead to believe, all came out of the Second Council of Constantinople in about 553 A.D.

      But, I’m not an historian and hope others will chime in with their own understanding of this…..



  54. David Gamon

    11s or multiples are notable in my life. I was born in ’44, grew up in no 11, graduated in 66, worked at no 11, my first house was 66, now live in another no 11.
    When some years back I had a debit card (now defunct) with the given no 8446 I thought, that’s easy to remember because I was born in ’44; a little later it struck me that my dear grandfather had owned and lived in no 44 and had owned and rented out no 86. It was AS IF — of course I put no very great weight on it — he was saying to me from Heaven that he was still watching out for me.

    • Rosemary Breen

      There are many patterns and coincidences in our lives David. Perhaps, for some of us at least, numbers are an easy formation to monitor.

      It’s a nice thought that your grandfather is watching over you. Elsewhere on the blog we are exploring the idea that we move through lives with a certain number of souls, each soul changing in its relationship to us but nonetheless, do we travel to eternity with a finite core group?


      PS I was close to my grandmother. I’d like to think most children get the opportunity to bond deeply with the third generation (and vice versa). I know I was blessed to have done so.

  55. David Gamon

    PS. It is very curious, though arguably no more, that my mother’s telephone no and my timeshare reference no and the ref. no used for our address by some, not all, postal services are the same numbers, though in different orders. Multiplying the three together gives a huge number, in billions — I’m not sure if that’s the correct way to work out the chances against this seemingly amazing coincidence, or whether, since there are six numbers, I ought to multiply 999999 x 999999 x999999 which is even bigger. A Message from Beyond? But if so, what is it saying? D

    • Rosemary Breen

      Im sure the universe loves to play with our minds David and many more messages are sent than are received!

      Are you a mathematician in this life or a previous one perhaps? Perhaps your real name is Fibonacci 🙂



  56. Rosemary Breen

    David wrote: No. When I was much younger I was very good at mental arithmetic, but not now.

    From Rosemary: In my experience, mental maths is a skill that the younger generation knows little about, so even though you may be a bit rusty at it you may still be ahead of the game David.



  57. Jen

    I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this or not as yet, but in Chinese culture 4 is a majorly unlucky number – like 13 in ours, but the Chinese are a lot more superstitious about it.

    In Hong Kong, there is never a 4th floor for instance… buildings either go straight from 3 to 5, or have 3A and 3B.

    Considered especially unlucky – the devil’s number if you like – is 4444. Four 4’s in a row is considered a sign that the devil (or the equivalent) is near.

    I don’t think that 444 or three 4’s is seen as being quite so bad, but I find it interesting that some people here have called it a Angels’ number, which is in such stark contrast to the way it is seen in Eastern cultures.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Indeed it is interesting Jen how numbers are regarded differently in different cultures. I think you may have put your finger on it when you used the word superstitious.

      So, does being superstitious actually give weight to something? I read a book about a lad with Asperger’s and he ‘knew’ it would be a good day if he saw 4 red cars in a row. My daughter and I always comment when we see 4 cars lined up but, unlike him, we havent made the mental connection that the author did – well not yet anyway.

      I think superstition plays into the way the brain is wired – how we need to attach and file new things and learnings to old in order to grasp and remember them.

      Still, in Australia, with so many Chinese in the property market it probably pays not to own a house numbered 4, or with numbers that add up to a combination of 4s 🙂

      Good to hear from you Jen


      • Jen

        Many superstitions are based on fact… or perhaps a lack of understanding of fact.

        In Western culture for instance there is the example of vampires. There were cases of people being dug up shortly after having been buried – their nails and hair had grown and there were scratch marks on the inside of the coffins, so the people were obviously “undead”. The truth is that the people were not actually dead when buried and woke up to find themselves encased in a coffin. They tried to dig out through the coffin tops, hence the scratch marks and the blood under the fingernails. Very gruesome, but the basis for a superstition that has continued throughout several centuries.

        In Eastern culture, a lot of Feng Shui is based on science. An example of this is that Chinese men – especially from inland parts of China – traditionally believe that they can only have intercourse a limited number of times in their lives. If they play around too much in youth, they won’t be able to when older. The science behind this is that people who live inland do not traditionally have access to fresh fish and therefore over their lifetime, do not have enough zinc in their body and cannot perform sexually. No zinc in the pencil!

        In Hong Kong there are loads of stories about the heads and tails of dragons and where you should or should not build a house, which direction it should face, etc. The stories are all based on not angering the dragons, but there is scientific support of the stories. There is one particular building (an architectural oddity that I love) in Repulse Bay, which has a large hole through the middle. It is supposedly a viewing hole for the dragon, as he needs to see out to sea. If he can’t see out, then he will destroy the buildings.

        This building has indeed stood the test of time, when others have crumbled around it, as the hole in the middle allows the building to stand up to the very worst of monsoons. Buildings that are solid have no give and therefore sustain damage during the intense storm fronts. So there is the superstition – a wonderful tale – and the science to support it.

        There are loads of other examples, but these are probably my favourite and I don’t want to bore anyone! Plus it’s somewhat OT, sorry! haha

        • Rosemary Breen

          Well Jen, that is a wiz around the world.

          Im not quite sure what link you are trying to draw between Feng Shui, vampires and superstitions.

          Thank you for the image of the Hong Kong building. It is certainly familiar to me but as not everyone may know of it, Ill post it in the original article above.



          • Jen

            No link really. 🙂 Just trying to point out that sometimes science explains away superstition and sometimes it proves the superstition as being factual. Many old superstitions that have been around for centuries, we laugh about now, but there were often scientific justifications behind them. The same can be said about Feng Shui and many other beliefs or belief systems.

          • Rosemary Breen

            Couldnt agree more Jen.

            Even so called old wives tales often have their roots in facts; facts that maybe long forgotten mind you but nonetheless science if only now catching up with some of these wise sayings and beliefs.

            On the other hand, some of them are nonsense 🙂



      • Jen

        PS – I think you are spot on when you mention how the brain is wired. There have been times in my life when I seem to receive certain messages from all angles. I honestly think it’s more about being open to those particular messages – or perhaps subconsciously searching for them which allows us to see them… They are always there, you just have to be tuned in.


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