PEAR – Part 1

Anomaly | 10 comments

Psyleron – Princeton Mind-Matter Interaction Research from Psyleron on Vimeo.

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research – Scientific Research

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Project or PEAR as it was known stood head and shoulders above many other investigating paranormal centres. Here in this video the founder and the manager of the now closed Centre discuss the experiments and findings of the Lab. 

Points from the PEAR Video:

  • in 1976, the Dean of School of Engineering at Princeton, Dr Robert Jahn was approached by a student who wanted to explore the impact of human intention on a mechanical device
  • the first research involved the random number generator (RNG) and the findings were inexplicable according to the currently understood laws of science
  • the results indicated there was a mind/object interface and potentially that interaction was two way
  • ‘I wouldnt believe it even if it was true’ (from a scientist)
  • couples get strong results than individuals when they have a close relationship with each other and they interact together with the RNG
  • further, the quality of the mind/machine interaction is independent of time and distance
  • the RNG  used in the initial experiments was a fast coin flipping machine and statistical analysis of the results showed that when the mind was intent on influencing the outcome of the experiment it could impact the RNG, making it less random
  • ultimately Dr John concluded that the chances of the results occurring randomly were 1:1 trillion!

Beginning the Conversation

The PEAR Lab has now closed. It was certainly a part of the purple patch in the study of the Paranormal while the Lab was fully operational. It opened in the late 70s and closed in 2007. What will it take to get a facility like this up and running again? Do we need it? Perhaps it came to its natural conclusion and the world is once again reliant on the individual and smaller groups, with less funding to see that paranormal phenomena research continues.

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  1. Allan Nelson

    Yeah, fascinating science now edging towards conclusive evidence of mind over matter.

    Personally, I’ve made my conclusion of mind and matter interaction years ago based on my own mini experiments just working with ordinary playing cards, coins and dice. And yes the mind can influence matter without a doubt.

    The question is: would any government sponsored scientific establishment actually disclose the truth of mind and matter influences? No, I don’t think so. The fear of potential chaos or control orchestrated by the populaces are deemed too risky.

    So, in my opinion there will always be political-scientific resistance to admit publicly the truth, certainly for the foreseeable future.

    However, I think it’s already too late for the political-scientific community to halt the growing advance of a psychic-revolution (pun intended)



    • Rosemary Breen

      YAH! Finally, Psychic Revolution is a household name 🙂

      More seriously, what about the experiments at PEAR? This experiment is still ongoing (although it has moved). Every time something big happens in the world those ransom number generators wobble (technical term!).

      Im convinced of the potential to change things at the mind/machine interface. I dont have to look any further than my computer when Im having a bad day energetically.



      • Allan Nelson

        Upset computers having a correlation with upset people, and the flip side: computer bugs being resolved by the right presence of mind. I’m convinced of it Rosemary. Watch out repair technicians, the mind technicians are taking over in the sooner than I hope future. 😀



        • Rosemary Breen

          Its funny how the old repairmen of yester-year are no longer around. Even where technology is concerned the trend is to discard rather than repair. Yes, there are the boot repairers etc but few other trades are around. We have become a disposable society. Let’s hope we dont adopt this policy where humans are concerned!

          Are you suggesting a quietening of the mind will also still technology Allan? That is a huge jump!



          • Allan Nelson

            Disposable humans in societies is reality, it’s factored in with certain political-economic systems. But lets hope we don’t become fully disregarded an euthanized!

            Yes absolutely, I do suggest quieting the mind and confidently willing our techy gadgets and stuff to debug works a treat. But not always.

            I’ll blow my own trumpet here and say, I’ve fixed many things hands off and using mind on machine with measurable success. I’m aware of cognitive bias and I’ll admit to it when remembering mostly only the successes. However, thus said, people should try experimenting for them selves and take notes. It’s the best way to prove a phenomena even if it’s only to yourself.



          • Rosemary Breen

            I will bear that in mind Allan when next my electronic equipment goes awry.



  2. Dr Howard A. Jones

    Great PEAR video Rosemary! I had read of these experiments in Lynne McTaggart’s book The Field but I had never seen or heard Jahn and Dunne talking about them. You may know that the quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli was renowned for the interfering effect he had on experimental equipment when he was in the laboratory. He also collaborated with psychologist C.G, Jung in writing about these phenomena.

  3. Bill Sweet

    Thank you for this post today. Those of us who take aspects of the paranormal seriously really do miss the PEAR lab and its generous staff members. The PEAR random tests continue to make data about world events even though the PEAR Lab is closed.

    It’s worth noting that a fresh unbiased mind of a student in 1976 saw the possibilities of intention on machines. Youthful thought is so important in our psychic and spiritual activities. Spindrift speaks about youth and prayer, for example, in question 5 of its FAQ page on its website.

    The founders of Spindrift, Bruce and John Klingbeil, in 1977, also picked up on the effects of thought intentions and prayer on random number generators. Prayer was found to add an additional effect to the mix; one of an increased ability of the RNG to produce better random numbers. In other words, prayer helped the purpose of a random number generator to produce a better flow of random numbers than it did before. If that doesn’t make sense when hearing it, you are welcome to read about the random number generators on the Experiments page at the website attached to this message.

    * Merry Christmas

    • Rosemary Breen

      Wow Bill, that is curious, isnt it? Prayer amplifies the original random effect/intention; part of me would have thought that prayer would have reduced randomness and increased orderliness.

      Merry Christmas to you too Bill.



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