Paranormal News

Coincidence or True Paranormal News?

The following paranormal news statements are paranormal phenomena extracts from the first spontaneous paranormal survey conducted by Psychic Revolution. These accounts have not been edited but any information that may identify the original contributor has been removed.


During the 911 attacks. I was working at a university. I felt uneasy from the start of the day. I lived in the midwest at the time. I didn’t know what was going on, but just couldn’t shake the feeling. Once I got to work, I heard about the first plane to hit the trade center. I thought maybe that was it, but the feeling didn’t go away. The second plane hit, and the feeling was becoming more intense. But it still wasn’t what I was feeling.

This was the first time I actually “saw” what was happing at the time during waking hours. I saw myself as a man, in a white oxford shirt with rolled up sleeves. Dark slacks and black shoes. We were running down a small aisleway towards someplace. People were yelling as we were running. I was seeing myself as someone running to the cockpit of the plane that crashed in PA. Once that plane crashed, the feeling I had started to go away.
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i had a premonition that something horrible would happen in america. in the dream i saw fire and smoke and heard screaming. the next week the 9/11 attack happened.
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Around the age of 24, while at work one night, I had a strange series of thoughts go through my head. I was engrossed in my work and wasn’t thinking of anything remotely close to where my brain suddenly went. I heard what sounded like screaming, lots of it. I felt a huge fear roll over me. I knew somehow that something very bad was eminent.

I asked around with co-workers if they had heard or felt anything or if they knew of anything that might be taking place. Everyone acted as though I’d lost my mind. After a few hours, I calmed down and tried to think of what might be happening. About six months later the whole 9-11 ordeal happened. By that time I’d nearly forgotten about those feelings, but as it was happening, they came back crystal clear. It’s hard for me to say, since it was so long afterward, if these things were connected. I still don’t have that answer today. But it seemed so surreal. There have been similar experiences since then, but still, the event happens much later than the feelings. So it’s inconclusive, at best.
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Strong feeling that Concorde was going to have an engine fire ‘port outer’. At the time I thought everything was going to be okay as it did not feel like a tragedy, then three weeks later the Paris crash occured. Coincidence, well not certain?
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I went to some university therapist for an initial evaluation, for anxiety problems. During this evaluation, I started to tell them predictions, such as someone was going to try and blow up a federal building. I think that I also told them it would be in Oklahoma, but don’t remember whether or not I told them where it would occur. When they asked me about how, I told them it would be with fertilizer. A week later the bombing in Oklahoma occured (they used the nitrogen in the fertilizer to make a bomb). It short, I’ve spent time, energy and money trying to get help and advice so as to do the right thing. It was all very stressful, but an extremely frustrating and complicated situation. I only wish that I would have been able to save lives and am sorry that I was unable to do so. These experiences spanned over many years, doing which I completed college courses and earned a master of science degree, and held jobs, which says i was of reasonably sound mind during this period of time, for what thats worth.
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Around the age of 24, while at work one night, I had a strange series of thoughts go through my head. I was engrossed in my work and wasn’t thinking of anything remotely close to where my brain suddenly went. I heard what sounded like screaming, lots of it. I felt a huge fear roll over me. I knew somehow that something very bad was eminent.

I asked around with co-workers if they had heard or felt anything or if they knew of anything that might be taking place. Everyone acted as though I’d lost my mind. After a few hours, I calmed down and tried to think of what might be happening. About six months later the whole 9-11 ordeal happened. By that time I’d nearly forgotten about those feelings, but as it was happening, they came back crystal clear. It’s hard for me to say, since it was so long afterward, if these things were connected. I still don’t have that answer today. But it seemed so surreal. There have been similar experiences since then, but still, the event happens much later than the feelings. So it’s inconclusive, at best.
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after 9/11, I began having dreams about a man in a plane who kept appearing in my dreams. He never spoke but would stand on the wing of the plane and saluted. One night, I woke at 1 am, itself an unusual experience, and turned on the TV, very unusual and there was a woman with a picture of the man in my dream. He had died on the United flight that hit one of the towers. I called her as she gave her name and town. I was the second person to call. I told her what I’d been seeing and she said that the salute was the signal between she and her husband that he was on the other side and alright,. she cried and so did I.
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Precog – dream that started out in B&W – mixed up – fire, shaking and water (no particular order) that later divided into three separate dreams. Shaking and buildings falling – earthquake in Japan. Fire and plane was plane that crashed in PA. Water and cars was the ferry that sank in North Sea. This was recorded in Prodigy bbs – the dreams as they happened and the events. I received hate mail so terrible that I quit discussing any others (dreams).
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I dreamt that Nasser was assasinated and a week later he was gone. My teacher told me that one other person in our seminar had this dream but he worked for the Rand Corp and I thought that was interesting.
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saw World Trade Centre in rubble – felt smoke – smelled burning oil – general impression was that the water around was boilinga and that it felt like the end of the world – I dismissed the dream as something my husband had seen on TV. A few months later I was talking on the phone to friend when the news reports came on TV – I started shaking – the dreams had been a few months earlier. I did not see (in the dream) planes hit the buildings, bur some people told me thay had. I was to have been in New York that week for an astral projection class!
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About two weeks before the terrorist attacks in the US, I dreamt I was standing in front of my flat together with a young autistic boy from my neighborhood. Though it was during the day we both saw that the sky was quite dark. Two cruise miles were approaching our neighborhood and the boy asked me very apprehensively whether they were going to crash nearby. I tried to reassure him but very soon the cruise missiles crashed into the highest building in front of us, one after another. The whole dream had an apocalyptic quality and reminded me of fears I used to have of nuclear war.
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It was the days after Catrina hit the Gulf Coast, almost every night I was awoken, people touching me, grabbing my ankles, and I was even awaken from someone yelling wakeup in my ear. I would wake and sit up in bed, I would see people standing in my room, wnating me to tell people things, people thaey had left behind. This went on for a couple week, A friend of mine that was a medium came over and helped clear the house, and help me learn how to turn off the spiits around me. This was very stressful. I was mentally and physically exausted. Even now I seem to attrack them at times.
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I had gone to visit the World Trade center in 1993 (right after the bombing.) I was absolutely terrified at the top, and crouched down on teh ground. My friends were amused/baffled by my fear. I told them i was afraid of an earthquake, and that i had vertigo, but it was not true. I was out on the roof and i had the distinct sense of blackness and fire. Later, i wrote a poem about it–in it, people are falling off that tall building “in a fine spray of human debris.”
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For 2 months every night I had a recurring nightmare in which I rode in a taxi to a skyscraper in a large city. Once I was inside and on one of the upper floors, the building was on fire and no one could get out. The building crumbled before I’d wake up. The last night I had this dream was 09/10/2001.
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Dreams about water, lots of flooding and children drowning. Started several months before the Sri Lanka Tsunami. I was under the water seeing all these kids drowning. It wasn’t until the day after the Tsunami that I’d heard on the news that over 60% of the victims that died were children.
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About two weeks before the September 11 attack on the twin towers I had a dream that I was in a skyscraper and the sense that it was “on top of the world.” I had one of the most ominous feelings I’d ever felt and the world was ending.
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in my dream i saw a few planes crashed into some buildings! near sea! and sand! blood everywhere i was standing under the buildings. bodies and body parts falling from the sky. i was running around trying to help! but couldnt do anything just watched how the blood and bodies falling down and turning into a hill of bodies. a few months later . september 11.9 . it happened! i was shocked.i also had a ddream about the tsunami in thailand. woke up with real salt water in my mouth. 2month before it happened in thailand also.
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My x-boyfriend went on a trip to Seattle Washington, before he went I kept seeing water and a bridge separating us. I kept telling him but did not know what it actually meant at the time. His home got flooded by Floyd which was a major disaster for N.C. He actually believes in some of the things I do now b/c of this experience.
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For 3-4 days before September 11 occurred- I was getting clairaudient messages all throughout the day & night-leading up to this day, then it stopped, once the event occurred. I kept hearing (internally),what sounded like people chanting the words `taliban,taliban` – It was quite ominous sounding & very deep sounding,intense. Anyway, I had never even heard of the taliban before this, so it wasn`t until I heard & watched the news on September 11th (twin towers collapse) -that it hit me-what the chanting of the word taliban meant.It was forewarning me, before the event took place. I have had quite a few clairaudient experiences throughout my life, some heard internally(in my head)-others heard externally(heard from outside of me) & all of these have been spontaneous & not brought on by any intentions of mine.
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I live in … and at the time I lived about … miles from the Pentagon. On Septimber 11, 2001 I woke up from a nightmare at exactly 2:30AM. I was drenched from head to toe. My dream took place in New york. I was running through the streets as were many other people. There was a dark cloud over the city and white dust everywhere, it was absolute chaos. I felt like I was running from someone who was trying to kill me but I didn’t know who it was.

My dream shifted and I was then on an airplane watching a flight attendant being stabbed to death. After seeing the flight attendant murdered, the dream took me back to New York. I was running from someone again and when I turn around there is a man dressed in black and wearing a black scarf around his head. He was aiming appeared to be a military rifle at me. At that moment I can remember saying “terrorist”.

I woke up in a panic. I couldn’t get my husband to wake up. I was terrified! Crying and shaken to the core, I pulled the covers over my head and said I don’t want to remember this. We had planned an excursion to Philadelphia and was going to leave around 10 or 11 the next morning. I was in the shower when I heard a huge explosion. I ran downstairs to ask my husband what was going on. He was on the sofa watching the first tower burn as I began to watch with him the second tower was hit. He said that the Pentagon had been hit as well. The explosion I heard was the military aircraft overhead.
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For a period of about 2 – 3 yrs, I would have vivid snapshot brief dreams early in the morning before I woke up. One year before this actually occurred, I woke up startled and shaking. My husband said, “What is wrong?” I said, I just saw a plane fly straight into a huge high rise building. I didn’t recognize the buildings, but I saw one plane and two huge high rise buildings. About a week after the Sept 11, 2001 planes flew into the U.S. twin towers, I recalled the dream. I was clearly shaken and asked my husband if he remembered me telling him that. He said, “No, you have strange dreams all the time”. It was like I’d seen a 2 second video of the plane flying into the twin towers. Very strange and disturbing.
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When Princess Diana was involved in her fatal auto accident I felt her death before it was announced. I then projected and spoke with her. She revealed to me details of the accident that were confirmed several weeks later by actual reports. Some of the information she relayed to me was not released for over two years. I spoke to my wife at the time I experienced this and she was thus able to corroborate the experience.
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This is not really one single event but rather several. My grandmother and my mother have been known for having premonitions in dreams and seems that I have inherited the ‘gift’. Usually the things I see are things like unborn baby’s gender etc. but sometimes they are scarier. One of the most scariest things was seeing a dream about 9-11 a night before it happened. I didn’t realize what it was about until isaw the news later. I saw a dream where I was kind of flying and watching the scene from above and inside as if in a 3D movie or something (not being really there but felt like it). I saw a big fire, dust everywhere and some building with the distictive metal bars that had twisted (recognized them instantly from tv) and were black. People were running and crying and it felt horrible. I told about the dream later to my husband but ofcourse because I didn’t tell it beforehand failing to see the signifigance, he didn’t believe me.
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Since my teens, I’ve heard voices. They are usually helpful warnings or advice. They are like a silent voice coming from the back of my mind and are very truthful. Some examples are, like this week, I drove someone else’s car at night and it had running lights. I didn’t think anything of it, as I was driving down a street that was well lit by street lamps. I noticed a couple walking about a block away then I heard this voice in my head saying, “You’re lights are off”. I looked at the dashboard, but it was lit up like most cars do when the headlights are on. Then I observed the road ahead of me and realized it was too dark if the lights were on. I checked the switch for the headlights and they were NOT on. Whether I “heard” something from the couple or from some unknown place…It happens quite often.

Another time, it was at communion when I was praying very hard for an answer…I got one! The minute the space shuttle took off and the tiles fell off, I heard a voice say, “They’re not coming back.” I told a coworker about this one and asked him to write it down. When the space shuttle came back for a landing and they all died, my coworker has avoided me every since. Mostly the voice is telling me warnings, like not to open a door to someone, or not to walk down a certain path. I believe that if I hadn’t listened to this voice, I may not be here today.
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I had a clairvoyant vision of Indira Ghandi. She was sick. The country was sick. She was in a fog and was oppressed. The situation was hopeless. The next day or so, the papers were full of her assassination. I discussed this with the Minister of the Spiritualist Church.
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Dreamed on the night of 9th September of the September 11th attacks. I was shocked to find my dream had come true 2 days later. I’ve had many of these experiences.
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In 2001 I had a very vivid unusual dream: I saw myself inside a train carriage. I was not in a particular spot but rather as a floating witness. The train had just crashed and I could see a pile of corpses on one end of the carriage. At that point I awakened with an absolute certainty that there was going to be a train crash, I told this to my wife, and also that I felt sure that this accident was going to take place on the route between Cambridge and London (I take this train everyday as I commute from Cambridge to London). The dream was so vivid and so unlike ordinary dreams that I decided to stay at home. Then at about 11 am a train going from Cambridge to London derailed and 9 people died. I don’t remember ever dreaming before about train accidents. There were more witnesses to my dream, as when my wife got to work that day, at 9 am she told her workmates:’do you know the tragic story my husband woke me up with this morning?
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I dreamt of the fire and crash on concorde the night before it happened. I told my husband this when I woke up and we were both a bit scared when it came on the news that the plane had indeed crashed.
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I was about 11 or 12 it was the early 80’s I had just started to autowrite. My Stepfather was with me watching me. My guide Monishka came through. She or I wrote that Reagan would be shot, but not killed, 6 months later President Ronald Reagan was shot. I’ll never forget when I heard that. I was floored. My Father came home that day, the first thing he said was, you wrote that remember? I said yes I know. Every since then I’ve been into exploring the paranormal. I don’t tell people this story, because I’m afraid that they’ll think I’m crazy. I predicted the onstar systems in cars, I predicted the Challengers tragety also. Usually it’s just things that pertain to those around me.
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i was sleeping the morning of 9-11-2001. and i was having really horrid dreams of fire and planes crashing into skyscrapers. I later found out that at the exact time i was having those dreams the first plane was hitting the twin towers. My mother woke me just after the second tower was hit and waking was followed by this huge, aweful sadness. Then I found out what was going on in new york city. i was shocked beyond words.
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I was had a dream that there was a large white van park outside downing street and that it blew up,the next morning my partner said that I’d nudged him awake said “they tried to kill him but he’s ok”. He said he asked me who was ok and I replied “Tony Blair” then went back to sleep. I had no memorey of tailking to him let alone waking him up. Three days later it was on the news that the ira had planted a van full of explosives out side downing street.
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About 10 days or so leading up to 9-11-2001 I was having strange dreams. One was that my house was being ransacked by terrorists. The other is long and confusing to verbally tell much less type, so lets just say it came true. I know I saw an apperition of Osama Bin Laden sitting at my dining room table.Dunno if thats possible to see a person who was/is said to still be alive in that way. Maybe through some sort of projection by him.On the morning of 9/11 I was watching pbs with my young child, so the news never broke through. One of her toys was going bonkers and last time it did that was when there was construction going on across the street. Well the thought came to my mind that the earth must be really moving somewhere. Come to find out it was.
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