Imagine, If You Can …

Other Paranormal | 6 comments

Time Space Mysteries


Beginning of a Guest Post by Lars Soholt

Imagine, if you can, an existence without time and space. Everything, everywhere, every when is all here now. The concept is easy to understand, but it is very difficult to imagine what this type of existence would actually be like to experience.

This is what I believe the spirit realm is like and, since we are all spirit in flesh vessels, we DID experience this before we were born and will experience it again after death. I don’t think that the bodies we inhabit are capable of holding that type of idea in anything more than an idea form because without the complex duality that is time-space the body cannot exist. It would overload the body. With that in mind, we have an understanding of the reasons why delving into the paranormal of one’s self can cause “insanity”, and why it’s so important for people to define paranormal as something apart from themselves instead of a part of themselves. To delve too far into the power of one’s being without this understanding would be like making black-powder in a blender… BOOM!!! However, done carefully with the proper knowledge and done over some time, an individual can tap into the unified one of spirit that is the individual’s power. The trick is to recognise that these are two sides of one coin and learn how to manipulate that nature without trying to combine the two and … BOOM!!!

Time Space Mysteries

Time Space Mysteries 2

It is a matter of realising we are all one yet, accepting another as an individual who can make their own choices. In essence, by accepting the power that is so rightly ours we also need to accept every choice everyone has, had, or will ever make as your own. This doesn’t mean we agree with it;  just accept it as good, bad, indifferent… This is a tricky sort of conundrum for most people that is answered all the time by limiting or blocking themselves completely from the very power they so want. This also sheds a different light on scriptures of all sort … “do unto others”… “If it harm none”…”judge not” etc. Some people accept themselves as part of a group or order and get closer to the power that is theirs and allows them a feeling of divine guidance and power which, to them, shows them how right they or “THE CHURCH” is. This solidifies a controlled block that others higher up the chain can use to their own ends… as long as the group trusts that they are following the right guideline. Yet others give in to the unity completely and become crazy as they try to process all that is them … but we’ll get to that later.

But now a different problem. If this power is part of our nature from when we are born then it, and its use are never really limited or stopped, merely uncontrolled or unfocused. “So what you’re saying is we have several billion GODS on this planet? Wouldn’t that destroy the planet?” Everyone having ultimate power and no one knowing it …

Power of Thought

What happens if, what a person thinks is instantly part of a collective creation? In the beginning, people would create limits that would make it possible for them to deal with this reality. They wouldn’t know that is what they are doing. It would be instinctual and ruled by the emotions and feelings of that person. As the ability to think and reason grows and expands they would look to define the reality that has been created by those who came before, successfully creating the illusion that they are simply discovering something else outside of them, and unaware that they are a part of the ones that came before. Does this mean that there is no God? No, but it means that we as a whole are God the same way innumerable drops of water are the ocean.

Mysteries Time Space Drops Ripples

Mysteries Time Space Sound Waves

All of us have all the elements that make up God (the essence of our true power and inseparable from us) in the limited containers that are our bodies.

Now let’s look at today, 7+billion individuals on this Earth. Each one is creating, as they go, yet things generally don’t happen the way we want. Think of sound waves. As more and more individual sound waves come into existence there will be some that are muted or neutralised by the other sound waves and there will be other sound waves that support or harmonize.

These supported sound waves will be harder to overcome for an individual sound wave making things go a certain way. Hence, man cannot fly without machines because that is what everyone believes and, one little sound wave cannot overcome the cacophony by itself. It needs to learn how to cancel out the other sound waves in order for a small area of its own to be left unimpeded. But, it doesn’t want to cancel the others out completely as, in doing so, it would inadvertently cancel itself out too.


Beginning the Conversation

This is the best I can describe the general line of thought I have on all of this. Very theoretical as I have yet to figure out how to test it. What do you think? What can you add?

End of Guest Post by Lars Soholt

Continuing the Conversation

Well Lars, you ask what do I think. I can see threads in your line of thinking that I am familiar with. I don’t know the source of these ideas that are familiar but I’d like to invite others to add to Lars line of reasoning.

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  1. Dave "Felbain" K.

    Let me begin my response with a couple of things Lars said:

    “What happens if, what a person thinks is instantly part of a collective creation?

    In the beginning, people would create limits that would make it possible for them to deal with this reality. They wouldn’t know that is what they are doing of course. It would be instinctual and ruled by the emotions and feelings of that person.

    As their ability to think and reason grows and expands they would look to define the reality that has been created by those who came before, successfully creating the illusion that they are simply discovering something else outside of them, and unaware that they are a part of the ones that came before.

    Does this mean that there is no God? No, but it means that we as a whole are God the same way innumerable drops of water are the ocean.” – Lars

    This is why I have labeled “God” the way I have; “The Source”, “The All”, “The Collective Conscious” et al as my personal belief is that the “God” we have been told that lives within the pages of The Scriptures (Bible, Koran, Torah etc) was written for those who seek to control our lives here on Earth.

    We are each a tiny fragment of the “The One”, the collective that comprises the All – we have power available to us that supersedes our current understanding if we merely allow it to blossom and unfold. We can indeed define and create our own reality if we but choose to do so.

    In the “Continuum Theory”, this is exactly what has happened. We have “forgotten”, thus unaware, we “are a part of the ones that came before.” We have become so disjointed and far away from those “in the beginning” that we have literally lost our way and now we try to create oceans from our single drop of water per se.

    So how do we “reconnect” as it were? Well, I think that is what many of us are here for on this website.

    One of the things I saw as profound at the Lilydale Complex was that each of the mediums, though completely autonomous and their own entity, realizes their interconnectedness as well as their “beginnings”. Each being their own individual, yet a part of the one.

    Does this mean we all have to go join a “group” or communize ourselves with others of like mind? Well no, but we should make our Self aware of the interconnectedness of all things as a start.

    If we take in several areas of current research and understandings I think those who are seeking these answers can find at least some of the answers they’re looking for. Psychic Revolution, Dr. Eric Pearl’s book “Reconnection”, Lilydale NY, Chaco Canyon and the Wingmakers organization, for me, all are “hints towards the whole” and are a great place to start.

    Thanks to Rosemary’s hard work, we have a common ground to put these ideas together.

    Think of the string of events that brought you, the reader, here to this moment in time. You are reading Lars’s posited questions, then the replies and hopefully you will even go and check out the other sources detailed below as well. Put it all together and I’m not going to guarantee an instant and profound understanding, but I will say you’ll be one step…a big step…closer to what you are seeking.

    Oh, and in case you’re wondering “Why don’t I simply post my understanding of this whole area if it’s so clear to me?” Very simply, deep personal understanding from knowledge can only be gained through what we have learned for ourselves.

    I’ve noticed one thing in my many years of varied experiences, there are those who choose a vicarious path and those who choose their own path.

    I hope you are of the latter type.

    Blessings of Peace,

    For ease of research:

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thank you for the compliment about Psychic Revolution and the references Felbain.

      Ill leave Lars to reply to your post.

      Ill certainly be checking out your links .



  2. Julie-Ann Blackmore

    I believe in nearly everything Lars has said except the last bit.

    The need to humanly connect with others on our planet can limit the individual. Remove the individual’s fear of rejection and you have full power of you, still connected to all. I particularly like this explanation as I have been looking outside the box regarding ghosts and such like asking the question, is it our energy bodies doing this or is there really 100% proof for life after death?

    In my mind the soul connects us to all – Spirit, God, whatever the name is for infinite intelligence. Bring forth that consciousness and what are people capable of? And yes, I have thought about the negative consequences of the wrong people having this kind of power.

    I can only hope that it’s true access comes with wisdom, humility, discernment (stops insanity) and peace for all other beings, human or otherwise. This is the age of what’s to come when we are one.

    • Anne Morgan

      I have found the posts by Lars, Fel and Julie-Ann to be in essence what I too believe about creation. Many years ago I tried to put in words what I truly think life in this dimension is about.
      The following is the result of my deliberation.

      My religion – re-linking – has no name because it is nameless.
      I call it Paganism because this symbolises the oldest of all thought and belief systems as given to the Universe by its Creator before life developed into a communicating, organised way of existance.

      I do not believe, I know that I am part of the original creation, and as such am an eternal, integral part of being; and as such, time and space are meaningless.

      I know the form which I take is the form shared by all creation, i.e. that of pure energy and that all I perceive about me is an illusion generated by the rate of vibration within which I currently abide.

      I know that all that has been created will ultimately become aware of the energy source from which the creation proceeded, and on that realisation, will once more lose its separateness and gain atonement (at-one-ment). This is a natural process, pre-ordained and unstoppable.

      To Facilitate a speeding up of this process, each part of creation must exist in peace and love for all other parts of creation. It does not matter how this is achieved, what names or deities are used, only that the goal of atonement is achieved by peace and love.

      Failure to live and act in total peace and love does not prevent the act of atonement, only delays it, and all things must abide by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

      Here endeth my lesson! After many years in my current incarnation I look forward to gaining more knowledge in the spirit world, or indeed from other contributors to this blog.

      Bright Blessings to you all.

  3. Chris L

    Hello Lars! I have met you before and I found this by dumb luck. I wish the best for you.

    Love and Light


    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Chris

      Not sure that we’ve met – Im Rosemary – but we’ve been meeting here with Lars for a while now. Glad you two have found each other and welcome.




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