The Paranormal and Mental Illness

Featured, My Religion | 86 comments

Psychic Attack

Following on from my post on the link between Paranormal Phenomena and Schizophrenia I have had numerous email asking for more information on mental illness and psychic attacks.

As a consequence, Ive been scouring the academic journals looking for some scholarly studies to cite. This has proved very difficult.

Yes, the paranormal is researched, a bit. Yes, mental illness is well covered, very well covered in fact. But put the two together and I kept drawing blanks. That is until I contacted the parapsychologist, Michael Thalbourne. He reminded me of a well respected author who bravely did some research in this area.

The book is now out of print, but it is still available online through Amazon. You might like to check out the Hardcover version on Amazon.

The ESP Experience: A Psychiatric Validation by Jan Ehrenwald (1978).

Jan was a psychiatrist, born in Czechoslovakia, studied psychiatry in Prague, practiced in London and New York and died in 1988.

It is such a shame that we have to go back so far – over 30 years – to find a readable reference on this topic.

Anyway, there are 19 copies available through Amazon, starting at 99 cents. That seems cheap, given how rare the research is!

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  1. Valerie Ledger

    Dear Ms. Breen. There is another book called ‘Multipal Man’ by ‘Adam Crabtree’.

  2. Rosemary Breen


    Thanks for leaving this reference. Ive checked it out on Amazon and I think the full title is:

    Multiple Man

    Hope this is the right reference 🙂 I see there is also one review of the book on the site, if others are interested. I’m certainly going to follow this one up.



  3. Carolyn Matthews

    Hi Rosemary,

    There is an old book, Thirty Years Among the Dead written by a medical doctor, Dr. Carl Wickland. He wrote another book too, but this one is the best.

    All best wishes,

    • Rosemary Breen

      Good one Carolyn. Love the title too! Cheers Rosemary

  4. David Gamon

    You might well find Dion Fortune’s ‘Sane Occultism’ of interest. DG

  5. Lars Soholt

    I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and ADHD as a child.

    I also had several abilities.

    After going to several doctors and lots of drugs and tests a large portion of my abilities left me as well as the schizophrenia diagnosis. I can see lesser auras sometimes now but seem to have lost a majority of other abilities I had (dealing mostly with seeing and hearing entities that others couldn’t), but I’ve recently been seeing things out of the corner of my eye and having odd hyper real dreams that I remember only garbled details of.

    I feel like many others are trying to contact me and I am trying to regain what I lost. I think I blocked myself in a way I thought I could undo, but the Ritalin I was on at the time changed the block somehow and affected my memories of that time.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hello and Welcome to Psychic Revolution Lars!

      You’ve come in on a pretty hot topic – and one that needs to be explored more – the link between mental illness and paranormal experiences.

      I think because the paranormal is still marginalised by many, including the medical profession, the idea of exploring its link with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is too difficult. But, one day it will have to investigated thoroughly.

      Putting on my volunteer counselling hat for a moment, have you taken yourself of Ritalin and are you still on medication to treat schizophrenia? Just need to check that you are OK! There is the possibility that some of your old abilities are ‘bleeding through’ and in part it could be because either you have changed your level of medication or its effectiveness is beginning to wear off.

      On the other hand, it may be that something is changing at a higher level, beyond the physical world.

      Many people I think will attest to the fact that their paranormal experiences come and go through life and while it possible to block them science has yet to discover how we do this and which mechanisms are involved. Dean Radin (psychologist and physicist) believes this is the key to understanding the paranormal. When we know how we shut it out, then we can learn how to control it coming into our lives!



      • Lars Soholt

        All the Dr’s and drugs ended by the time I was 16. I haven’t been on Ritalin since I was about 10 (by a different Dr’s suggestion) and tend to stay away from any “magic bullet cure” like pills for all but the most sever and then with reason other than just my comfort. I don’t trust Dr’s and take their statements as a well educated opinion that I use to make a decision after doing as much of my own research (based on their opinion) as I can. So I guess you could say I’m ok though the experience of Dr’s early on has kept me a little paranoid, but at least I recognize it.

        As for blocking it I’ve had dreams where I’m either in a maze, doing a puzzle, or disabling a trap where the dream always has a similar feel to it. In these dreams I recognize the problem and go about solving it and even succeed but don’t get the effect I expect and feel like I failed.

        This is what lead me to the idea of trying to access and manipulate my subconscious through my dreams at about 18. I’m now 33 and had only marginal success towards figuring out how to break through this block. I figure that this is because I haven’t met anyone that believes in this stuff AND that I trust enough to let guide me in the way I suspect I’ll need to be.

        One last note is that it seems to me like there is steadily increasing activity in the realm of spirit.

        • Rosemary Breen

          Thank you for explaining all this Lars. I wasn’t intending to pry but wanted to make sure you are OK – well as OK as any of us are!

          Im not aware of anyone in particular here who works with dreams in particular but there are certainly a few paranormal practitioners who get involved in conversations on the blog. Hopefully, one or more of them will pick up this lead.

          I would caution you against ‘opening up’ without a mentor. You will put your mental health at risk in doing so.

          Is it possible that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ is relevant in your case?

          What is it that drives you to want to open up to the other realms? Is there a gap in your life you are looking to fill perhaps?

          Again, LArs just ignore any of my questions that feel too personal.



          • Lars Soholt

            Honestly I feel (and suspect) as though I’ve been working on a project over several life-times. Each life-time has, by necessity, been focused on one aspect that I was driven to explore, experience, and understand as fully and completely as possible. Some of these may have taken more than one life to comprehend. I think this life is the one that I’m supposed to use to bring all that together and finally learn the (or a) bigger picture. But for years its felt like I’ve been stopped by something else.

            This something else is familiar to me, the same way a silhouette of a single individual might be familiar even if you don’t know the individual. I’m not a religious person, I am however quite spiritual, and suppose this thing (as a neutral term not good or evil but also without care or inhibitions) could be the classical adversary or Devil (etc.) that is mentioned so often. I’m not frightened by this… whatever it is, but I am troubled and frustrated by the implications.

            I continue VERY cautiously keeping in mind that the greatest form of power that this has is the feelings and thoughts within a person or in short illusion/delusion.

            Hence the possible reasoning for a risk to mental health.

            I do continue on towards my goal to open up, but as there are lines I’ve drawn (so to speak) for my own safety that I will not cross without help, I’m uncertain that I will succeed on my own. Problem right now is that this drive that I’ve followed my entire life/lives is becoming more urgent as if there is a time restraint I’m not aware of.

            I’m cautious of this feeling as this could also be a “trick of the adversary” but am also as perceptive as I can be to see if there is anything to validate this feeling.

            One thing I’ve noted is what seems to be a pressing increase of spirit activity, but as my gifts have been compromised… and so there’s the conundrum I’m currently working on. Now if I could find my guide… and the frustration.

            I think this covers all your last questions. Feel free to ask if I missed something or you need something clarified.

          • Rosemary Breen


            WHy the drive, the push? Im mindful that this could be the “trick of the adversary” as you call it. So, what else if happening in your life? Are you busy and fulfilled in other ways? We are put on this earth, I believe, to work primarily with the physical form and while it is tempting for many of us (me included) to resist working with the coarser energy, I think this is our challenge. Many of us, I suspect, would rather skip this whole mortal coil thing and step out of it in as many ways as we can find.

            Is it possible your challenge this lifetime is actually to stay grounded and in the here and now. Of course, I know nothing about you Lars, and indeed, I may be playing the devil’s advocate.

            Which country do you live in Lars?



          • Lars Soholt

            Quite frankly I just got out of a stint at homelessness. I had the opportunity to prevent it but it would have meant in essence being a bum the rest of my life. I chose to take this road so I did have choice and the possibility of finding out about myself. I believe that it is this “other” that wants me to not be able to figure this out.

            As for the push I’m experiencing I only know what I said before and that at this point is just conjecture. To reiterate though “Honestly I feel (and suspect) as though I’ve been working on a project over several life-times. Each life-time has, by necessity, been focused on one aspect that I was driven to explore, experience, and understand as fully and completely as possible. Some of these may have taken more than one life to comprehend. I think this life is the one that I’m supposed to use to bring all that together and finally learn the (or a) bigger picture.”
            “Problem right now is that this drive that I’ve followed my entire life/lives is becoming more urgent as if there is a time restraint I’m not aware of.”

            I would agree that I need to stay grounded (even if what I’m talking about sounds pretty heady) but I would also add “and bring all this together”. Now that’s a challenge.

            I currently live in Ohio and have never had the opportunity to leave the US.

            Blessed Be

          • Rosemary Breen

            Hi Lars

            I hope that you now have a roof over your head and, if your situation is vulnerable, that you will first secure your physical safety and comfort. As we discussed previously, we live in the physical plane and to move safely from here into the other realms takes a lot of personal resources and where withall.

            Quite frankly, I am concerned that you may not in a strong enough position physically to withstand the strain of what you seek to do. In fact, it may even be that the drive you feel is in someway linked to a need to self destruct. Please excuse me for speaking so bluntly. I have no other desire than to help you and I am writing from my heart and my head.

            The drive may be becoming more urgent but I would advise you to put you physical circumstances in order first. Otherwise, you risk sabotaging your efforts and even your life.

            Please don’t run off from here.

            Others may chime in and offer support – I just dont know when 🙂



          • Lars Soholt

            Ok, two concerns you’ve had and both times they are concerns that I am trying to take into consideration. Can I ask we take a different rout?

            First to calm some fears I just got out of this problem of being homeless. I’m currently looking for steady employment through a temp service and have worked some with the decent possibility of being hired on at a job that would pay better than any job I’ve ever had. I feel an urgency to find this one piece to a very complex puzzle that is my life today, but it is only one piece and with this particular puzzle I need to have and hold many other pieces in place before adding the final piece that would hold it all in place. I get all that.

            This is why its taken me so long to get to a point where I have the small luxury of sitting here and asking someone online a very bizarre question on the side of keeping my life in order enough to keep asking. If these words come off wrong I apologize, I feel a little frustrated with this new attempt at getting an answer I’ve been trying to put together for as long as I remember and I don’t truly mean to be rude.

            It seems to me though that your sidetracking or misdirecting the conversation. Lets simply assume for a moment that I’m addressing the most basic and obvious of problems for now. I know I have my own problems and am dealing with and addressing them as best as I can and (I would say [with a slight bit of admitted narcissism] better than most though obviously not everyone) don’t need to be reminded about what I (and everyone else) am dealing with. This just makes everything all the more complicated and confusing.

            This is also the hopeless snarl I run into with any person I’ve ever tried to deal with on this subject, but it also seems I need to find a person to help. Quite a problem in and of its self.

            So if you have advice about the question I brought up “How do I SAFELY find a way (or person) to SAFELY open up my mind to the abilities I had as a child that were ripped from me by prescribed drugs and societal programming combined with my early need to fit in and be a part of?” Put simply “How do I open my mind back up?” If you do not have a suggestion dealing with THIS answer than please just admit it so I may continue my search instead of spinning my wheels answering questions and problems I’ve already addressed and continue to address as the upkeep of life.

            I can see your trying to cover all the bases so to speak, but this line of questioning inevitably turns into its own tail eating snake and never ends. Everyone else I’ve ever talked to about this through out my life (a few dozen in 33 years) has either done what we have just done, been to screwed up to figure out the size of the puzzle, or deliberately misled me. Where’s Achem’s Razor when you need it, its the only thing I can think of that can cut through this gorgon knot.

          • Rosemary Breen

            Hi Lars

            Im pleased to see that Dave has joined the discussion. In my dealings with him I have found him to be very honorable and I hope you find his contribution of benefit. Im not sure how long youve been looking around the site but will direct you to the discussion thread on this article on the freedom of religion to give you more of a perspective on where Felbain is coming from.

            Im pleased you can understand and have tolerated my genuine concern (over concern?) for your welfare.

            Using your call for Occams Razor to be employed, in my opinion the simplest answer is for you to use your mind, in all its clarity to attract that which you need. If you are anything like me, I actually find it quite difficult to send clear, ongoing signals to the Universe, but that is something I accept.



            PS I hope Im not the Gorgon – terrifying female creature – to which you are referring Lars? Im not that clued up on ancient history and so did a bit of Googling. Lars, perhaps you are referring to another part of history – the Gordian Knot – which Wikipedia tells me refers to an intractable problem solved by a bold stroke. Now, wouldnt that be something!

          • Lars Soholt

            I must admit to using spell-check ALLOT! So it was not Gorgon’s knot but the Gordian Knot. Further all my education past High School is self taught for various reasons my “smarts” not being one of them.

            I will give more of a reply later but felt I needed to clarify that I meant no slight to you Rosemary and apologize if it was taken that way.

            Blessed Be and thank you

          • Rosemary Breen

            No slight given by you or taken by me Lars!

            Cant afford to be too thin skinned on the internet – but thats another story 🙂



          • Dave "Felbain" K.

            Lars – sorry for the added frustration…I had no idea of “where” you were in your own Works within and of Self. It seems like I frequently get it wrong with folks.

            Okay, you say you “keep yourself well grounded”. Great, I hope that means in the sense of spiritual and energy Workings. I’m fairly sure then that you have your own methods of doing so.

            As Rosemary said, naturally using your mind to focus clearly on your given situation will help you as you try to regain your gifts. I think all and any of us who celebrate the use of gifts get “blocked” from time to time. Since these are your gifts and the means by which they were taken from you is potent, it will take a lot of work for you to get in touch with them again, as I’m sure you’re aware.

            As for any particular person, without knowing so many aspects of your current situation it would difficult to direct you, but there are many who do this sort of thing. However, it requires time and considerable money.

            The Spiritualist Society in upstate New York may be of some help in directing you. I hope Rosemary does not mind if I post the link:


            They offer numerous types of “opening” and grounding techniques, seminars and one on one counseling to better your abilities.

            I sincerely hope that is more of a direct answer to your inquiry. Sorry for the muddle earlier.

            Blessings of Peace,

          • Rosemary Breen

            Thanks Dave. Of course I don’t mind the link. How else would I, Downunder,even know about this organisation!

            Im not sure that there was a muddle earlier Felbain but Ill leave that for Lars to decide.



          • Dave "Felbain" K.


            Blessings Be to you and may all your needs be met.

            Let me start with quoting your last entry…

            “Honestly I feel (and suspect) as though I’ve been working on a project over several life-times. Each life-time has, by necessity, been focused on one aspect that I was driven to explore, experience, and understand as fully and completely as possible. Some of these may have taken more than one life to comprehend. I think this life is the one that I’m supposed to use to bring all that together and finally learn the (or a) bigger picture. But for years its felt like I’ve been stopped by something else.” – Lars

            I firmly believe this is true for nearly all of us, whether we recognize it in the same manner or not. This “drive” and “urgency” you feel to wrap things up, to ‘complete the project’ so to speak, is something I can relate to quite well and what I went through some 15 years ago. In my personal situation, it was not until I let go of the pursuit, that I found clarity. Well at least a bit of it anyway! I found that by completing one area, I opened myself up to new explorations.

            For those of us that believe in “past lives”, I’ve been graciously given the best explanation of this by my wife Kay, that I have ever read or been told. Think of it as a “Continuum”. Our very physical essence comes from the passing on of DNA, RNA, genes, chromosomes etc etc from our paternal and maternal sequence. The very act of creating life is a union containing the most minute pieces of those that come before us in our familial lines.

            Therefore, it may not necessarily be, that what we experience here in this physical form called “you” or “me”, is something from a life we previously “lived”, but are GENETIC “memories” of those who did live in and through our ancestors. Many of us have vivid recollections of times prior to our birth that are so visceral and “real” we find it difficult to believe they could be anything but a “past life regression”…unless of course we take “continuum” into the equation.

            Now if we take into consideration what many academics have studied, genetics, for instance; finding a long line of “psychic abilities” (regardless of what those gifts may be) that came before an individual, this continuum and our personal experiences makes even more sense. This passing down, or passing along, of certain abilities, we also get a sense of “urgency” in concluding the very theories or psychic equations our ancestors may have been working on. If we can accept the continuum theory, then it would follow we might also inherit the feelings of incompletion by our ancestors on things they did not complete in their lifetimes.

            I finally found a great deal of peace in my life about this “urgent need to conclude”, when I realized my “part” or “piece of the puzzle” wasn’t to ‘finish’ anything, rather to find the comparable nature of things between my pagan and religious ancestral encoding. When I was able to articulate the common ground between my Beliefs in the Nordic Pantheon and my Faith in “The Creator” (God) I overwhelmingly was flushed with Peace in my Soul, thus Life. The anxiousness and consuming ‘need to complete’ lifted like a feather on the wind for me.

            I discovered that my pagan ancestry and beliefs were all about “Living in the Now” and celebrating the wonders of Creation, regardless of views about the actual events; i.e. 6 day “creation” or 14.5B year “evolution”. My religious ancestral lineage was all about denying ourself now for a supposed reward in the “afterlife”, two very opposing views. But, what if….”The Creator” (Collective Conscious, The Source, The All – whatever label one chooses) did nothing more than CAUSE the “Big Bang” and everything that evolved thereafter is where we are today…would things in the physical world be any less of a “creation”??

            Now of course, what I have related expresses is my own “Continuum” and views, but perhaps it will give you a little bit of insight to your own quest. I find when I break things down into “chew-able bits” rather than the “choking”, huge “bite of Life” I am extremely satisfied. Perhaps, for you as well, you need only fulfill your “piece” rather than complete the puzzle of things in your Continuum/Life.

            Hope this helps a bit.

            Blessings of Peace,

          • Lars Soholt

            Wow, I got a bit of catching up to do! In my opinion you are right but not complete.

            Information travels in many forms and the way it does has effects that are only slightly different. To simplify the idea lets say were dealing with our own communications system; phone, mail, radio, TV, internet, etc. In each case the information gets received and it would be exceedingly difficult to tell how it was transmitted without someone telling you.

            I won’t go into detail but I’m certain you are right and that there is more than just DNA/RNA transfer as well.

            What flub up were you referring to? I didn’t have a chance to reply to you directly yesterday. Had the eternal curse/blessing of life to deal with. I like what you’ve said so far.

            Blessed Be

          • Lars Soholt

            It seems my replies aren’t going where I think they are. I’ll try to keep things a little better organised.

          • Rosemary Breen

            Excellent Lars. Glad you and Dave are getting on the same page.

            And, re your comment about where to post, you should see it from my end 🙂

            Im grateful, thus far that I have been able to keep up with the many threads that can go at any one time.

            Hope you have signed up for the newsletter. The topics covered are generally used as a stimulus for conversation.



          • Lars Soholt

            I can’t quite figure out how to put my comments where I want them. They seem to change placement once I’ve submitted them and I even have a hard time finding my own post. Has anyone had that problem and know how to fix it before I start my next post?

          • Rosemary Breen


            We’ll hae to wait to hear what others say re the trail of conversation. All comments are cleared by me first and then they appear on the post they were originally posted under. So, Im not quite sure what is happening for you.

            Ive just seen you have started your longer comment. When Ive read it, it may be that it will be the start of a whole new post. Please leave it with me for a little while because to set up a new post properly, takes me a bit of time.

            Ciao for now


          • Dave "Felbain" K.

            Hello again and sorry for the delay in responding.

            As far as Lars questions go, I think we’re getting to a place of having things in order here. I may not have responded in the “right place” either, but I’ve also had a terrible case of the “Grrrr’s” with a counsel. One of those who can drive one bonkers in short time, but, has nothing to do with here.

            So do we have a new place for continuing this conversation or is here going to do Rosemary? I’d hate to miss something.

            Blessings Be,

          • Lars Soholt

            No problem. I have an added page, thanks to Rosemary, at

            I’m looking at starting a blog of my own because I’ve been coming up with quite a few other ideas, but I don’t want to “hog” the sight that someone else started.

            I’ve had times of similar inspiration where I can’t keep-up with all the thoughts that come to me. Then sooner or latter without warning it stops and (unless I wrote it down) I forget about it all. Kinda sucks…

          • Rosemary Breen

            Great idea to start a blog Lars, even if in the beginning you only have a couple of listeners.

            They are a bit of work to maintain but at least, as you say you will have a record of your thoughts.

            And, until you get it off the ground, please feel free to use this site to commit your thoughts to the screen.



          • Anne Morgan

            I have only just caught up with the conversation between Lars, Fel and Rosemary so forgive me if my comments seem inappropriate.

            Many years ago I was taking instruction from a friend who was many, many years my senior in age, wisdom and experience. One of the things she told me was that we make a “contract” before we embark on an incarnation in order to get the experience we need to progress on our evolutionary path back to spirit.

            This includes, as I understood it, to be able to choose our parents.

            This would give us the DNA/RNA mentioned in a previous comment, but also we can choose the life style/experience we need to be able to help others on their journey back to spirit.

            Perhaps, Lars, you needed to have these traumas in your life because you “requested” them before birth. You may not find out until this present incarnation is over whether you have fulfilled all your contract or if circumstances beyond your control means you may need to address something again in a future life.

            As things seem to be improving for you at last, may I venture to hope that your part in the contract has been successful and you can now move on.

            I send you my best wishes for the future and love and blessings now and forever.

          • Rosemary Breen

            Im a believer in children choosing their parents as well, although my girls dont necessarily like the responsibility that goes with them choosing me 🙂

            Re your comments to Lars, we havent heard from hom of late but as you say, his life may have turned and progressed for the better.



          • Lars Soholt

            Sorry, I’ve been soooo busy lately. I’m still a temp but its certain that I will be hired on eventually. Further I seem to be making progress on a 15+ year project/hobby that could become profitable.

            As for the contract idea Anne; I think you are right on the money, the thing that drives me to figure things out sooner than my contract is filled is that I KNOW I set it up so I could. I thought I knew how, but the “memories” seem inaccurate…. gerrrrrrr!!! I know there’s a lot that needs to be explained with that statement and if I get the chance I will.

            These memories are the spark that set off a series of events that eventually sent me to several mental institutions on an overly high dose of Ritalin and diagnosed with schizophrenia before taken off of it and proclaimed sane…. go figure. Haven’t forgotten about you guys though.

          • Rosemary Breen

            Lovely to have you back Lars and to read your good news 🙂



          • Lars Soholt

            Interestingly enough I “know” (if I go by the idea that these images are real memories) that I chose the life and several circumstances and that I should have a way to get around any of them if I chose and if I figured things out. This (meaning life) IS supposed to be an evolutionary process. I get the feeling that we as individuals are actually aiding in GOD’S evolution and growth the way a cell of our bodies aids in ours. (Yes, I’m a heretic, but that only has meaning if your part of a religion. I’m spiritual but I see religion as the Cancer of true spirituality and YOUR (as opposed to someone else’s) relationship with GOD.

            Ok, now I’m rambling. This chaotic line of thoughts gives an idea of how my mind works. Often connecting some very odd concepts together (The ones above are at least more or less the same topic for me) in a line of “logic” that makes sense to me but is difficult to follow.

            Lars Soholt

          • Anne Morgan

            Good to hear you are OK Lars. Keep up the positive vibes.
            Love and Light, Anne

  6. Lars Soholt

    Sorry its taken so long to get back to you all.

    Its possible (even likely) I’ll have permanent employment soon. But now I’m going to change the subject a little.

    I’m one of those people who believes that there is a predictability to everything, I don’t mean a certainty. Science is a powerful tool to learning and understanding things and I believe we have learned a majority of what the physical realm has to offer. However there is vastly more to life, living, and existence than the physical.

    Faith, religion, and spirituality seem to hold many answers but fail to link them with a question leaving a person to float around with little to no reason to this ocean of wisdom. Both have been important phases of our human evolution, of our human minds. But it seems to me that the only way we can continue our evolutionary process is by putting 2 and 2 together so to speak. I’d like to discuss some of the ideas I’ve spent my meager 33 years of life formulating. Is this an appropriate venue to do so?

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Lars

      Felbain and I were wondering where you were. So your absence was noted – and your apology accepted 🙂 Good news re work.

      This is certainly an appropriate place to express your views Lars. I was talking with Julie-Ann this morning and, I hope I have this right she feels there is a predictability about the future. Now, if Im right you two may have things in common. On the other hand, I may have egg on my face and others will hopefully come to my rescue.

      So, fire away Lars… What ideas in particular are you talking about? Perhaps give us one to break us in gently.



  7. Lars Soholt

    I’m posing a question that came to mind that might be used to put some pieces together.

    Sometimes math comes up with some answers that are inexplicable to even the most brilliant mathematician.

    Interestingly enough, these oddities seem to suggest mathematical and scientific answers and reasons that parallel the paranormal and wildly strange things that people talk about and experience through out history.

    So what is the connection between math/science and the paranormal? and IS there one?

    Thoughts to ponder….

    • Rosemary Breen


      Whatever are you saying?

      Lies, damn lies and statistics 🙂 But hey, why not? Mathematical modelling is possible for… so much

      I did a Google search on one of my favorite sites and came up with … eg The Theory of Everything

      and yet another, with a philosophical bent and a touch of humor Theory of Everything 🙂

      Amazing what a bit of maths can do, so why not the paranormal and maths?




  8. Lars Soholt

    It occurs to me that there is a connection between psychic ability and what is now termed “mental illness” only because no one knows exactly how the brain works and less about psychic ability. I would submit that many mental illness may actually be repressed, self unrecognized, or dangerously high psychic ability.

    Often something that someone cognitively represses builds-up and becomes a bigger and bigger problem, and if there is no available guidance eventually causes a system shut down of sorts.

    There are so many times when someone while going through life doesn’t recognize something about themselves. Most of the time these things can be figured out fairly quickly. Other times they struggle to figure these things out because of beliefs, ideologies, or rarity of the issue. There are usually recognized experts that can be found for any of these things. However a mind is distinct and the brain has different synaptic pathways for even simple tasks like tying a shoe. So even a “simple” psychic ability could manifest in a myriad of nearly uncountable ways as these are highly complex functions of the brain. Alternatively abilities could materialize out of the brains need to create new synaptic pathways for new situations or improvement on old ones, as a “by product” (so to speak) of “hitting the right buttons”.

    Finally a person with a high perception could literally fry the brain “short circuiting” things in a completely unpredictable way.

    All of this comes down to one thing; it isn’t recognized properly and there for incorrectly “treated” or dealt with. I believe that the brain is the physical anchor for the mind which is a part of the spirit or soul, and that treating the physical problems no matter how in-depth and “definitive” they are is only treating the symptoms of the true problem. This is why “mental health treatment” is such a hit and miss right now, because we are only aware of half (at best) of the picture of what makes us all up.

    • Rosemary Breen


      I agree with most of what you say. It is probably a matter of semantics but I think we now know enough about the brain to acknowledge that it is not the only knowing part of the body.

      And yes, mental illness has many different origins and as yet the psychic realms have not been added to the list.



  9. Lars

    I had an odd yet intense experience today at work. All morning I was mentally… lost is the only way to describe it.

    I had a hard time remembering things from minute to minute. If I pushed myself to get things done quickly the way I usually do I would I wound up with vertigo, a feeling of fainting, and once I started to get over these thing I would be short of breath.

    It’s entirely possible that there is a physical explanation. The only reason I bring it here is because I had the very distinct impression that it was all somehow mental while it was happening. This is not a thought I normally have, nor do I tend towards jumping to conclusions.

    But, while there I was certain, until it passed. Its all so confusing and disturbing to me.

    While I like to think of plausible theories I don’t like experiencing things this odd unless its positive. One make me feel kinda crazy, the other just very imaginative.

    Comments, thoughts?

    • Rosemary Breen


      This does seem odd but, based on what you’ve told us, your experience is most likely the result of some temporary,physiological imbalance.

      Im not a GP and so am only guessing. Perhaps if you describe your experience (you have had this more than once?) in more details others might chime in.

      Lovely to have you pop in but Im sorry to read it was a disturbing experience that brought you back.

      Over to you.. and others please.



  10. Anne Morgan

    Hi Lars, glad to hear you are still gainfully employed.

    Sometimes sensitive people like yourself can pick up physical problems from others around them. Before you think it is your own health at risk, consider if you are picking up vibes from somebody else.

    I can usually tell if that is the case and then ask the powers that be to take the problem away and send healing to the source where ever it is.

    This usually takes the pain/sensation away and I feel reassured that it is not my illness.

    Just a thought for you to try. Blessed Be. Anne

    • Rosemary Breen


      Why didnt I think of that 🙂

      I often pick up other’s stuff too. And, I put it down just as quickly.

      Just yesterday I met a woman in the park as we were walking our dogs – nice woman, but so depressed.

      On the way home I realized what Id picked up, and released it.

      Let’s see if Lars can relate to this.

      Cheers Anne


    • Lars

      Well I’ve known for a long time that I pick up emotions and feelings from others, this would be the first time I had a direct physical effect from something like this. Possible… I think I will still get a check up the first chance I get. I was homeless just recently for a year ( It’s been almost 8 or 9 months now since then) and haven’t had a chance to do so for years now. Getting there… (sure takes a long time though)

      I’m working on an RPG game that is being worked on by several hobbyists as a fun thing to do. No pressure or time frame. Thing is it looks like it could be online in a year or so. (fingers crossed) I’ve been working on this by my self for about 15 + years. Its an exciting prospect, we’ll see what happens… Haven’t forgotten you guys (er girls, lol)

      • Rosemary Breen


        I had to google RPG and the first entry was rocket propelled grenade LOL Figured it wasnt that and so moved onto the second.

        For those of us reading here who are of a certain age… RPG, in this context, refers to Role Playing Game YAH! Ive learnt something new. Hands up all of you who did not know that 🙂

        Anyway, happy to offer my assistance to you Lars. No, don’t laugh Im not such a dinosaur. Im well versed in SEO etc and would love to help you if and however I can. Just drop me an email and let me know more about your venture.

        You may still bear the scars from your time on the street – any chance of some free healing sessions at a clinic near where you live? And, make sure you zip yourself up (as I tell my daughters).

        Remind me where you live in space and time Lars. Im thinking it is America??

        And, remember to ask for help and drop me a line 🙂

        Ciao for now


  11. Lars Soholt

    There is a problem. Right now there is nothing that can be done to correct it. I have no specifics about this problem just an intense feeling. I had a feeling similar to this back in 9/11, but it was a much lesser one. The ones who are behind it are going to fail in their ultimate goal, but they will come surprisingly close. In the end they will defeat themselves, but any action by another to go against them will only destroy the one(s) who aggressively resist.

    It is now time to look to yourselves, your friends, and your families with the goal of survival. I can only suggest passive resistance in the form of sheltering yourselves as best as you can from what is to come. Again ALL aggressive action is futile and WILL backfire catastrophically on those who are aggressive. Passive endurance is the key.

    If, and where possible, you should try to stay in a position where you can take care of yourselves without any outside assistance. Assistance from any and all “official” offers could easily be likened to selling your soul (not exactly), DO NOT TRUST AID!

    Anyone with a little of the sense can tell you of the disturbance. Watch your pets and other animals for odd behavior. They will lead your way, along with serendipity. Do not trust your mind, but take heed of your instincts and senses.

    I do not mean to be alarmist, and don’t usually mention anything like this as it usually only serves to cause panic.

    People tend to ignore truths they can’t handle and believe a lie they can deal with. This tendency has been used to get things to where they are. The one thing that should stay in anyone’s mind to break through this is “Is it possible” not is this “plausible”. The second thing everyone should be asking ourselves is “Is a life a life, or is it lesser or greater depending…” with the proper answer that all can realize from within this will clear up allot of the confusing and unnecessary drama that has been the foundation of our culture and civilization for to long.

    The irritations of the past have become full blown critical infections and the death of the past will usher in the realization of the new. As it was, so it shall be. “Gaia” for lack of a more all inclusive word is with us. Take heed and see ahead to the comfort past this storm.

    Blessed Be
    Lars Martin Soholt

    • Rosemary Breen

      Ah Lars, from whence does this stem? This is not the tone with which you normally speak! I am not alarmed but rather, concerned.

      I’ll take care. I trust you are doing the same.



  12. Anne Morgan

    Hi Lars,

    Having read your recent post below (49) I could feel your frustration.

    Please try not to over-analyse every thought that comes into your head. You are making progress with your life and need not be concerned with the life and problems of other humans, admirable though this is. There are, I believe, higher powers watching our progress on this planet and we should not take the burden onto our shoulders.

    Forgive me if I am holding the wrong end of the stick, but you seem to be pointing in the direction of our fellow humans as the cause of the “coming problem”. This could be a symptom of your previous paranoid schizophrenia. I appreciate that there is a problem with safety in the world at large, but it is manageable and non of us should not be beating ourselves up about it. I have age on my side to assure you that there have been many threats to humanity over the centuries and indeed in my life time and sense has prevailed before anhihilation has come to pass or you would not be here.

    May I suggest that you take a step back in your spiritual endeavours? There is no such thing as time, so you are not wasting any if you re-direct your thoughts to your own welfare. Enjoy your work (if that’s possible) or look for a new job. Focus on love, relaxing and if you (and we all do try!) to empty your mind. All will be well.

    In one of your previous posts you talked about your progress in past lives. I think you are on the threashold of achieving the spiritual state for which you strive, but it may not be in this life. As with so many people who are afflicted with mental problems, you have been shown the highest and the lowest possibilities – but not given the info needed to achieve the former.

    This seems to be very distressing for you – I sense you want to progress and progress NOW.

    As I said earlier, if you can please take that step back. There is no rush to become the fully spiritual being. As with so much in life, it is on the journey not the destination where we need to put our attention.

    Continue to gain the experience you are contracted to have in this life – trust, and then go with the flow. Without doubt you will arrive at your pre-ordained destination. Who knows, you may even enjoy the journey?

    Love and Light. Anne

    • Lars Soholt

      Blessed Be, I respect your opinion, and most of what you say I agree with. However, I feel it important to correct a view that seems to be prevailing for everyone. I am not concerned. I was being pushed emotionally to write down what I know. Now that I have I’m fine. This doesn’t feel like crazy to me. It does feel different… But different is good. You’ll see. I wish I could tell you more, but now I can’t. Good Luck

      • Rosemary Breen

        Take care Lars. You are carving a place in our minds and our hearts. Take care. Rosemary

        • Lars Soholt

          Blessed Be

  13. petra bucenieks

    Hi Rosemary

    In regards to your general query concerning the relationship between the paranormal and what is termed “mental illness” (although I don’t particularly like the term) I thought i would bring to your attention the recent research done by Dr. Serena Roney-Dougal.

    She made a quite well received presentation here in Glastonbury entitled: “Walking Between the Worlds: Links between Shamanism, the Psychic & the Psychotic.” I thought this might be of interest to you. I believe you might find more information on her website:

    My own interests are very broad, actually very often too broad for my own good. They include the scientific, psychological, pharmacological, consciousness, healing, psychic, paranormal, transpersonal, spiritual, indigenous, extraterrestrial, shamanic and magical domains in my range of interests and involvement.

    I have been researching along related lines for about 40 years and have seen the boundaries between them shift greatly and even ones such as the shamanic and alternative healing domains have become established in our current vocabulary.

    There is a lot of politics involved where specific experiences are to be placed in the above repertory. This is the reason I believe why little mainstream research is done nowadays between the relationship your are investigating. Basically, because it is taboo and the camps have become very polarized.

    There was a period in the 60s and 70s when it was OK to study all this and breach these quite artificial boundaries. When we do serious in-depth research within any of these domains what invariably happens is that the boundaries do come apart very quickly.

    Within mainstream mental health there is currently an extreme disregard for even approaching the experience of the patient and everything is hyper-categorized as delusional and symptomatic with no room for giving it any validity. Treatment is pharmaceutical, behavioural or brain-intrusive.

    In the 60s and 70s, in the mainstream there was serious investigation into the nature of schizophrenia and great understandings came from people such as R. D. Laing.

    I believe the author of the paper which you quote may have come from the same group of investigators that Stanislav Grof was part of in Prague:
    Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research

    LSD: Doorway to the Numinous: The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious

    From my own personal experience, including of a first-hand nature, I have developed an appreciation of certain aspects of the paranormal-psychotic relationship. I believe I did include one of my experiences in this regard in your on-line survey.

    It was about my experience of perceiving the television to be “sending” me specific information when W was in withdrawal from anti-depressant medication. The information was a response to a question I posed in my mind and was unmistakably specific. This is a common experience people who have a psychotic “episode” report. I did make sense of it even at the time and saw it as a synchronistic type of channeling that is understood in shamanic and other related domains.

    I believe others who encounter this type of phenomenon could be taught how to manage it.

    One’s own vibrational frequency, especially fear, at the time will greatly affect the nature of the message received and teaching people this relationship and how to change their personal vibratory rate would allow them to have some control over these experiences and even learn important lessons from them.

    This brings to mind something I remember reading in Barbara Ann Brennan’s books, although I don’t have the reference. I believe she maintained that there was a distinct similarity between transcendental experiences and psychotic ones and as she is able to perceive the energy field in great detail. She noted that the main distinction with the psychotic was that the ?etheric? membranes over the chakras were absent. [Editor: Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan]

    I hope this information and links are of some value to you and your research. Please do keep me informed as to any significant progress you are making.

    petra bucenieks

    • Rosemary Breen


      First my apologies for the delay in releasing your post. To say Ive been distracted would be an understatement.


      While my survey does not directly research mental illness, it is written in such a way that it attracts many types of participants with more ideas, insights and experiences than I originally envisioned. It is not for me to say what is psychotic and what is paranormal – I leave that to the medical professionals to decide. I see myself and my role as a collector of self reports and as the body of information grows, it is my hope that it will be examined, questioned, pulled apart and ultimately used as the basis for further research.

      I have included the reference to one of Barbara Brennan’s books – a book that spoke to me deeply when I first read it (in the 80s??) and one that remains on my bookshelf, long after many others have been moved on. That says what I think about Dr Brennan’s work 🙂 Thank you for reminding me of that book and that time of my life!

      I invite others to respond to your post Petra….


  14. Delia O' Riordan

    Several months ago I experienced a terrifying Psychic Attack. Never in my life have I undergone such an horrific experience and one I hope never to have again! If anyone in the PR community has had a similar experience, please, get in touch via email.

    Thank you.
    Delia O’ Riordan

    • Rosemary Breen

      Im sorry to hear this Delia. Are you all right now?

      Ill place your post in the next newsletter and we’ll see who responds. It is holiday season and many people are off doing other things, it would seem.

      Can you explain a little more about what happened?



      • Delia O' Riordan

        Hi, Rosemary,

        Thank you, I am fine and have had no subsequent experiences with whatever it was. I have remembered some more of my subjective impressions during the incident and will post those to you by email shortly.

        Kind regards,

        • Rosemary Breen

          Glad you are okay Delia.

          If writing about the experience heightens it, then Id prefer that you dont do it.



    • Anne Morgan

      Hello Delia, I echo Rosemary’s feelings and hope you are alright. Please give Rosemary more details and I know she will treat anything you say in confidence and not publish private info on her website.
      I am not a psychic but have many friends who are and might be able to explain your frightening attack.
      Love and Light, Anne.

      • Delia O' Riordan

        Hi, Ann,
        Thank you for your very kind response. The “attack” – if that’s what it was – was unlike anything I experienced before or since and something I would not want to repeat. Elements of it have come back me to over the months but I am wary of subconscious material that may have contaminated the memory so I’m not sure how valuable the details will be. However, to make the record more complete I’m sending them on to Rosemary. I’ve had no apparent after effects since the event – thank goodness! I’m hoping that whatever it was, it proves to be a one-off.

        Thank you again, Ann.
        Best regards,

  15. Delia O' Riordan

    I just discovered that the Link I posted for the psychic attack was the wrong one!

    Here is the correct Link: Sorry for the confusion.

    Thank you Rosemary and Ann for your comments and your concern.
    Best regards,

  16. Bill Sweet with Spindrift

    I am dropping in as an experiencer of psychic attacks.

    The group I have been associated with, Spindrift Research, has had enough such attacks, many in the form of negative prayers, to fill a book.

    Some members of Spindrift quit because of the attacks. They became fairly relieved once divorced from the action. A couple people had a naive interpretation of their relief, this way…. If Spindrift was doing what was right for mankind, it wouldn’t be attacked.

    In other words, the negativity coming against Spindrift shouldn’t happen if the goals of Spindrift were right.

    Other members knew better what was really going on, namely, the attacks are likely an indication that what was being experimented with in the lab was the right thing to do despite the backlash.

    Unfortunately, such experiments stir up inertia in consciousness.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thanks Bill.

      Im not sure this will help Delia directly but Im sure she will contact you if she feels sharing will benefit her.

      Im not sue what you mean by “stir up inertia in consciousness”. It seems a contradiction in terms.

      Perhaps you’d like to elaborate?



    • Delia O' Riordan

      Hi, Bill,
      Thank you for your comment. Like Rosemary, I’m not sure what you mean by “experiments stir up inertia in the unconscious” and I’d appreciate clarification if you don’t mind providing it and if doing so doesn’t compromise confidential information.

  17. Anne Morgan

    I am Anne Morgan, contributor to Rosemary Breen’s website.

    What a terrifying experience, I hope you are fully recovered and that it never happens to you again.

    Way back in the 1960s I had a friendship with an elderly couple who were very well trained in the occult and related sciences. When I was moving house to a remote cottage. Mrs. G told me about an experience she and her husband had when walking on the moors near to my new home. She described meeting an evil presence which was not visible in any way, but made them feel extremely ill at ease. They hurried on and left the entity behind with no further contact.

    Being young and naive I tried to retrace their walk when I had settled into the house, with no contact of any kind. I dismissed the event as something I was too inexperienced in psychic matters to have been able to be sensitive and pick up, whatever the energy was. Had I known then what I know now I would not even attempted to lure the evil energy to my body, but as it was, I was lucky and nothing happened. THEN, some time later (months after I had forgotten about the story) I was in the house alone and my cat, who was outside, suddenly started making a dreadful noise at the back door. I went to let her in but froze, unable to open the door due to a feeling of absolute terror. I went round to the front door, opened it and called the cat who ran in as if the hounds of hell were after her. The next time I went to the back door all was normal and I did not experience anything again all the time I lived in that house.

    Trying to find a reason for the bad energy moving around the locality, I reasoned that there might have been a traumatic death in the area at sometime in the past as there had been many small quarries on the moors digging out a durable building stone at the time housing and industry was escalating in the area many decades previously.

    Some years after that, we moved to a farm just a few hundred yards away from the cottage and actually nearer to the old quarries. One night as I lay in bed, I was aware of being surrounded by total blackness, a feeling of evil and I called on my defenders to keep me safe and the entity was banished. Since then I have had no further experiences of a similar nature and hope I never do, but Iam now very aware that I need to be psychically protected and I do not dabble in things beyond my ability to control.

    This does not explain your attack, but I hope it shows that you are not alone in such experiences.

    Love and Light. Anne.

  18. Valerie Ledger

    Dear Rosemary, I read a most interesting book many years ago called ‘Multipal Man’ written by a Canadian psychologist. Can’t remember both names but ‘Adam’ was his first. He had studied the ‘link’ between ‘Psychic Attack’ and ‘Schitzophrenia’. Excellent book, try to find it. Yours Sincerely. Valerie.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Valerie

      Thank you for chiming in.

      Mr Crabtree was hard to find 🙂

      But I did find his book Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality on Amazon.

      Here is a description of the book contents, which I must say I would not have guessed correctly from the title, which to me infers schizophrenia rather paranormal phenomena. This description is taken from the website Psychotherapy Arts.

      Thanks again Valerie.

      Multiple Man is a reissue of Crabtree’s classical study of possession, multiple personality, and other dissociative states. The book deals both with normal human multiplicity and problematic forms. It is being republished at a time when the issues dealt with are every bit as relevant as when it first appeared.

      “Adam Crabtree’s Multiple Man is a classic in a field still in search of its own identity. His unifying perspective, in an area characterized by multiplicity and inconsistency, is based on considerable sophistication in psychology, the history of hypnosis and trance, where he has an especially thorough grounding, and psychotherapy. Crabtree has drawn, with a nicely detailed hand, the outline of a new psychophysics: a science of the forces that make for human integrity–or fragmentation. This book is a marvelous Odyssey into the wonders and terrors of human fragmentation and coming whole again.”
      –Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. is the author of The Mythic Imagination and with his wife Robin, A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Campbell.

      “Adam Crabtree accomplishes the unusual in his groundbreaking book. He helps the reader come to grips with the fact that all is not as it seems–far from it. He explores the concepts of possession by the personalities of dead people, possession by living people, splintered off aspects of the core personality, as well as the conscious and subconscious minds, all within one individual. Crabtree’s book will greatly reward the reader. I highly recommend it!”
      –Edith Fiore, Ph.D. Author of The Unquiet Dead, You Have Been Here Before, and Encounters.

      “Adam Crabtree is a pioneer in the field of multiple personality and he is to be commended for his scientific approach to this enigmatic disorder.”
      –From the Foreword by Chris Sizemore, subject of The Three Faces of Eve and author of The Final Face of Eve, I’m Eve, and A Mind of My Own.

      “Adam Crabtree, drawing on the work of others and his own extensive clinical experience, has written a lucid description of our multiplicity. His courage in dealing with the unfashionable (but all-too-real to some people) phenomena of possession is commendable….He writes so clearly that I didn’t know I was mastering difficult ideas as if I were reading an interesting novel!”
      –Charles Tart, Ph.D., author of States of Consciousness and Waking Up.

      “Multiple Man is a masterpiece at synthesizing a number of different concepts usually thought to be at odds with each other,…a milestone in the understanding of multiple personality and…evidence of possession, whatever that may mean to those involved.”
      –Ralph B. Allison, M.D., author of Mind in Many Pieces.

      “Multiple Man is invaluable as a reference for case material. It surveys things that Freud did not mention, Jung only hinted at, and even modern writers have not yet explored. Crabtree’s study of the multiplicity of human personality will force us to reconsider concepts of self, continuity, and identity.”
      –Joel Whitton, M.D., Ph.D., author of Life Between Life.

      “Multiple Man is an original and masterful overview of the history and literature of possession and multiple personality, within both the psychological and occult traditions. In a measured and unsensational tone (the hallmark of Crabtree’s writing, the literary equivalent of the calm and unfazed professional therapist), Multiple Man brings into a coherent context the dramatically outré phenomena of radically dissociated personality components and extraordinary spiritualistic occurrences, illustrating that these states are variations in degree of elements that are common-however moderately, latently or merely potentially-to all.”
      -Books in Canada

  19. Lars Soholt

    Been a while I know. Anyway, I can’t say I’ve had an experience quite like that one. I can say that I’ve see and helped a couple of people through something that sounds similar. These two individuals were quite open and I was dealing with spirits in the area at the time. Both of them went through what I would call an attempted possession by a medium strength entity.

    What you seem to describe is an attack that was a burst so to speak in that it didn’t last longer than it did. I would assume as a hypothesis that an entity put every bit of energy it had at the time into possessing you and couldn’t do more. Its possible I suppose, that the attack was from a living person today as it is my belief that spirits do what they do and move around using psychic ability the same way we use muscles. If it was from a spirit than they were very desperate as it is very difficult for spirits to gather enough energy to do much of anything. If you are trained in mental focus and defense, than I would further suggest that you were targeted for your unique mental abilities.

    I know there are allot of “ifs” and “possiblies” in there, but that’s what I have right now. Keep in mind you will have a much better idea of what is really going on than you realize. (Your mind picks up on information of all sorts that you are not ever aware of and its all stored in your own mind.) There are many things that have similar symptoms to something else so don’t jump to conclusions and trust your own heart. You’ll know what fits and what only appears to.

    Hope that helps.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Lars

      As you say….long time no hear. SO, lovely to see you back on the forum and able to offer insights too.



  20. Bill Sweet

    This part of RA’s post is close to what I and the Spindrifters would say is a good reason for being in receivership of malpractice prayers and psychic attacks. RA wrote: “If you are trained in mental focus and defense, than I would further suggest that you were targeted for your unique mental abilities.” If you have someting of quality to add to the progress being made in consciusness, you often become a target.

    The mere fact of being involved in the paranormal often sets one up in the cue for the potential of psychic attacks. Then if someone plays with psi and doesn’t take it seriously, he or she is probably not going to be a target. If one takes seriously what he or she does with psi, then the potential of being a victim of errors, the Trickster, evil attacks, and spiritual darts comes comes to the foreground. Those who are deeply into psi and are spiritually protected from such attacks are very fortunate.

  21. Delia O'Riordan

    Hello, Lars,

    Thank you for your very thoughtful observations. I have had a few unusual experiences that I cannot explain in conventional terms and I hold all of them “open” to future interpretation. We are still at the beginning stages of studying consciousness and I’m not sure we know enough yet to come to conclusions on most psychic and/or paranormal phenomena. Like Rosemary, I think what we call the paranormal is in fact quite normal; it’s just not necessarily common and it’s important to keep that distinction in mind when we approach the subject of apparently anomalous experiences.

    You’ve given me a lot to think about in terms of attempted “possession”. I’ve always been extremely skeptical of claims of “possession”, including the nature of what for now I am calling my own experience of a “psychic attack”. I don’t know what the event was about and I welcome as many possible interpretations as people care to offer. The more we extend our thinking, the deeper our understanding – subject always to the limits of proof and hence our own fallibility.

    I found your comments on the relative strength of similar attempts by whatever-it-is to gain control of people very helpful. It made me go to back to the moment of greatest intensity during the incident and I realised something that had been present only at the periphery of my consciousness: the “entity” that I experienced as being in front of me, observing, may have called a halt to the “attack”. I get the feeling of a decision coming from “him”, almost as though the whole thing had been an experiment! Thank you for opening that line of thought to me. That may prove central to my further understanding of what happened.

    And, most of all, thank you for taking the time to communicate your thoughts, Lars.

    Best regards,

    • Lars Soholt

      Hmmm… Experiment. That could mean a couple of other things… First thing that comes to mind is a possible guide or guardian alerting you and testing your current strength. Second is a preempt by an opponent to learn what they might be facing later.

      Both can possibly be used to your benefit. Keep in mind that one of the most important things with stuff like this (if indeed it is this) is to look at and imagine positively, but THE most important is having faith in yourself.

      If you can cling to faith in yourself you cannot be beaten.

      Oh, and don’t mind that man behind the curtain! lol Once you step into this realm you might be in Kansas, but its a much different one!

  22. Delia

    Given the interest that Delia’s experience has generated in the community already, I asked Delia if I could print the note she sent me by way of background to her psychic attack. The following is reproduced with her permission.

    Hi, Rosemary,

    Thank you for your response. Thus far, there has been no recurrence of the attack.

    I guess everyone has had the experience of nightmares and that is the closest I can come to a rough equivalent of the emotional side of the experience. The physical aspect of it was unique in my life; how does one describe the feeling of waking up unable to move yet alert and having this horrific experience of something trying to open one up like a tin of peas? “It” seemed determined to complete its task and it seemed to be acting on someone or something else’s behalf.

    I say ‘it’ but there was more than one energy present. I had the feeling of a ‘commanding’ presence in front of me (I was lying on my left side during the experience) standing over the bed and one or possibly two “smaller” presences behind me.

    There was something “feral” about them.

    I sensed intelligence in the one leaning over the bed in front of me. I also felt it was “impersonal” – as though it were there only to observe.

    God, I’m only just now realising that I had these impressions! It all happened so fast that I couldn’t process it at the time and the experience was still raw when I wrote about it on my blog. I think, understandably, I have avoided “going there” since the event but now there seems to be sufficient emotional distance to make it possible to relay the experience without re-living it. At least I hope so!

    What struck me at the time – and now – is the sheer physicality of the attack. The presence in front of me seemed to be watching my reactions closely whilst the one (or two) behind me seemed merely annoyed in an animal sort of way that I was attempting to stop them, like a dog that growls if you get too close to its chew toy.

    The noises I heard defy description and in some ways it was the noise that most terrified me because it threatened to make it impossible ever to think again.

    I had the distinct feeling that if I could not free myself from that noise, I could – literally – LOSE my mind, a prospect I find far more terrifying than losing something physical. What is weird about that is that I don’t believe that the “mind” lives in the brain. Rather, the other way about. We dwell within consciousness so logically it is not possible to LOSE one’s mind. However, in my state of extreme fear, my emotional self acted as though the brain and the mind were one. I wonder now if that was the “point” of the whole experience – assuming it was being orchestrated by some sentient source…

    On the other hand, if there is a mainly psychological cause for this the episode, it might have to do with my history of “freezing” when I had nightmares in the past. When confronted by a direct threat, I felt that I couldn’t even scream; I seemed to be unable to emit even a whimper and I always felt terrified by that prospect! It was usually at this point that I would become aware of the fact that I was having a nightmare and I would wake up.

    In the Psychic Attack however, I felt that I had to fight off whatever was trying to “invade me” whilst remaining unable to control my body (if that is indeed what was happening) and I resisted with every bit of my being and fought to get free. It seemed to be a battle for my Will – something that has never been very strong in me. Although I will fight on behalf of others’ rights, I found it nearly impossible to stand up for myself.

    Now that I think about it, I have been ‘tested’ with regard to my Will from time to time but never to the extent that my survival seemed to be on the line!

    Perhaps, it would take a threat of the loss of my intellect to get me to fully assert my Will. Threatening what I value most in myself – the ability to think, to grow in understanding, to learn as much as possible – was perhaps the only fool-proof way to get me to assert my Will. But that begs the question of who – or what – would orchestrate such a thing.

    If the whole episode was a sort of “psycho-drama” thrown up by my unconscious mind, it has some “serious ‘splainin’ to do” as Ricky used to say to Lucy!

    I wonder now if this incident was a macabre lesson in the necessity to exercise Will as well as “radical acceptance” and if so, did I “pass”? Since I’m still here, I guess I did…

    Thank you, Rosemary, for providing a venue within which these anomalous experiences can be explored. Any feedback other members of PR may have would be gratefully received.

    Kind regards,

    • Rosemary Breen


      Who or what were these forces do you think? Were they of another world or the alien world perhaps?

      What do you think made them release you from the power they were exerting?

      Im pleased you are finding comments from others helpful. I think it works the other way also; you are helping us too.

      Continue to take care.


      • Delia O' Riordan

        You pose the $64,000.00 question, Rosemary: Who or what were “they”? I still have no idea. Here are some possibilities that have been suggested to me:

        The noises of “people” moving around on the roof and in the passage outside my bedroom and the impression of a “group consciousness” or “hive” as the source of the voices/sounds raised to an intolerable pitch are apparently consistent with some reports of “alien abduction”. Was my experience an attempt at that? I don’t know. If so, I hope they never return.

        Then again, Whitley Strieber the author of Communion, thinks there might be a connection between “alien contact” and human death and I certainly felt that my existence was at stake when I was being dragged out of my body. Whitley has also proposed that at least some species of “aliens” may be trying to “harvest human souls”. Again, I don’t know whether that was the intention of the energies I felt around me. I had a vague awareness that the entity in front of me – the more sentient of the three – was observing me as one would an experimental subject.

        As for why they stopped, I felt it had something to do with my determination to resist, my “Will”. It is difficult to resist something that is physical when one’s physical body can’t move so I had to “fight” with my mind, my consciousness. They say the prospect of imminent death focuses the mind wonderfully and I have to agree with that! I don’t ever recall being so determined to resist another “Will” – that of the energies/entities that were trying to separate me from body.

        Thus far, I’ve interpreted the experience as a “test” of some sort. That is how it feels when I remember it. Who or what was “testing” me, I don’t know. I never believed in “the Devil” or “demons” and I still don’t. Whatever these were – unquiet spirits, aliens, or subconscious projections – I don’t believe their intent was evil; I felt they were doing the bidding of some sentient life form whose motives I could not fathom. Given the subtle dimensions that String Theory suggests are around us, “they” could have been a very different form of consciousness that somehow “crossed over” or stumbled into our 3D world and, for all I know, they may have been as frightened of me as I was of them! I think the only way to find the answer is to invite as many people as possible to share any similar experiences and perhaps we will find a pattern or at least some salient aspect of the experience that will help us to understand it.


        • Rosemary Breen


          I have put feelers out (nothing creepy, I assure you) to a member of the UFO community to see if he has an opinion on what you have experienced.

          What I always find fascinating is the form in which entities manifest. In my survey, eg, why is it that Christians see angels and Jesus not Buddha.

          Do we experience the same thing if we are in the same experience? If two people were open, and one an atheist and the other a UFOlogist, would they see the same entity or would the energy manifest differently for each?

          Which leads me to ask, what is your take on UFOs and aliens Delia?



          • Delia O' Riordan

            Hi, Rosemary,

            Sorry it took me a while to get back to you regarding the questions you posed above but I’ve had similar questions from readers of my website so I thought perhaps it would be useful to provide the link to my answers here: (Psychic Attack: Angels or Aliens).

            My ‘take’ on UFOs and Aliens is based on personal experience as well as some fairly extensive reading following – but not prior to – my own experiences.

            Three of the experiences were highly spiritual in nature and not frightening – nothing like the recent one that I have termed a psychic attack. There was one other experience which made me quite uncomfortable but a flippant remark on my part seemed to put paid to that one! I believe I wrote about these experiences when I filled in the survey on paranormal experience so I didn’t want to repeat myself here. However, if you feel it would be useful I can reproduce my accounts here.

            Again, thank you for your generosity in providing this forum for the exploration of these bizarre experiences and the opportunity to learn from other participants on Psychic Revolution.
            Kindest regards,

      • Lars Soholt

        You are most definitely helping as much if not more (very possibly more) as being helped.

  23. Delia O' Riordan


    Thank you for your very kind remarks and your insights.


  24. Kerry Ann Jacobs

    You might be interested in my book: “From Psychic to Psychotic and Beyond” which addresses what may be viewed as psychic attacks directly. You can find the book on my website where you can order either an ebook or a paperback

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Kerry Ann

      Welcome to the Psychic Revolution community.

      Ive taken the liberty of lifting the description of your book from Amazon for readers who are interested in reading your book.

      It was January 2009 in Wellington, New Zealand. I was 43 and overloaded with emotionally charged court cases as a sole family law barrister. I was missing my late grandmother. In my mind I called to her many times for her to visit me. She didn’t but she did visit my mother in her dreams. My mother said that she was calm and serene. I began a path of psychic experimentation. I searched the internet for ways for me to increase my psychic awareness. I progressed to buying a crystal ball and images would unfold in front of me and then words started appearing. Soon I no longer needed the crystal ball, because full sentences were appearing before me on the ground. It was Wes my spirit guide communicating with me. He had been talking to me all along. When Wes started speaking to me in my head, he told me that he was my husband and he said: ‘I love you to bits’. I was soon surrounded by spirits such as Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Heath Ledger and Albert Einstein. We were doing everything together. I no longer needed anyone from the real world But unbeknownst to me, there were dark forces that were awaiting me, where all my worst fears would be realised. I would experience demons, the afterlife and the darkness of hell.

      Please let me know if you would like to write a guest post.

      Here is the link to Kerry Ann’s book:

  25. Bill Sweet

    Such an important topic. I was wondering how much interest there is in psychic attacks and related issues? It seems to me that it’s such an uncomfortable topic that many people avoid it, if they can. Those who find themselves a target find the topic less avoidable.

    What would a couple of researchers propose is going on with psychic attacks? One answer is clear-cut. A serious involvement in the paranormal sets one up for attacks and or strange events happening that curtail a normal lifestyle (whatever that is) for the person involved in serious paranormal pursuits. See George Hansen’s work with the “Trickster Effect” at

    At Spindrift Research, to give one twist involving psychic attacks, consider this true reference. On several occasions, some religious folks prayed against the tests of prayer working on plants. The prayers were that it wasn’t possible for the tests to be permitted to produce results. So the Christians involved were using one form of prayer as a psychic attack to cancel another form of prayer from working. What is the definition of ironic?

  26. Kerry Ann Jacobs

    You might be interested in my book: “From Psychic to Psychotic and Beyond: A True Story About My Bipolar Disorder” which explores a crossover between the paranormal and mental illness. You can find it by visiting my website

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Jerry Ann

      Thanks for popping by.

      I see your book is also available on Amazon.


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