Is Paranormal Activity a Laughing Matter?
It occurred to me today that you my readers may be interested in following the fortunes of other start up bloggers like myself. It’s not often that we start our journeys in life together – but that is near enough to what has happened with me and 2MG.Who (or what) is 2MG you may ask. Well they are fellow bloggers (although one of them has yet to show up for work!) who have their own take on the paranormal. They aren’t skeptics as such, more ‘curious and out there’ where apparitions in life (or should that be death?) are concerned. You can check them out here.I love their artistry. There is certainly some talent here – and their lighter take on the paranormal is a good foil to my more serious approach. See what you think and even leave them a message here or there.

Unlike Mike and Andrew at 2MG (the G definitely does NOT count at this point in time), many of the respondents in my original have seen apparitions – in fact multiple apparitions. Maybe it is the case that once we get the hang of it (whatever that means) we are able to see ghosts almost at every turn. Keep going Mike and Andrew. The world needs more ghost hunters – just don’t scare them away please. I was going to say that the world needs ghosts. But does it? What do you think?