How to Choose a Psychic

Clairvoyance | 4 comments

Psychic Powers

Have you ever visited a psychic? Been given a psychic prediction? Or been tempted to find out what its like? Many people have taken the plunge. Some have done so for a laugh (a good thing to do with a girlfriend perhaps?); others have approached a clairvoyant anxiously seeking answers to unresolved issues. Does that sound like you? If it does, then you are not alone (in more ways than one.) Every year millions of units of currency – dollars, euros, yen – you name it, it is given to those who work in the paranormal realms, in return for oftentimes unspecified services.

Who really does have psychic powers? Do the clients of psychics generally report satisfaction with the service they have received? Do YOU leave your session feeling invigorated and reassured? Or do walk out feeling bewildered, even angry? Anecdotal evidence suggests that this full range of emotions is engendered. So do clients genuinely receive value for their currency? Little is actually known about this in fact. Surprisingly, given the size of the industry, it’s an area that has been largely neglected by academic researchers and overlooked by statisticians.


There are numerous websites that market the services of psychics. But who regulates them? Have you ever read the small print? it makes for interesting and enlightening reading. The disclaimers talk in terms of ‘adult entertainment’ — tell that to those who are grieving for a loved one and seek consolation in the psychic realms. Entertainment is the last thing on their minds. They are looking for comfort and closure not amusement. Have a look at the privacy policy? Oftentimes there is talk of sharing personal details with allied service providers. It’s not the kind of thing that those seeking an experiential session in the ether generally consider. Perhaps they should?

Have I given you food for thought? Was your experience a good one? Did you know what you were looking for before you ventured into the unknown and did you find what you were looking for? These may be subjective judgments but they are necessary. If you were happy, did you refer others? Is that how the psychic industry flourishes — on intuition and recommendation? If you were unhappy, and perhaps you only went the once, was you feedback encouraged?

These are the kinds of things that future users of a psychic’s services have a right to know? But where do they go to get this kind of information? Again, a review of the websites indicates that even though feedback is encouraged, the owners often have the right to edit or remove comments. This is hardly a system which suggests impartiality.

In my opinion, something needs to be done. And before that happens people need to open up about their experiences — not so much about the content and what transpired in their session, but more about their actual experience and how it left them feeling? Subjective this may be, but it’s better than knowing nothing. Don’t you think?

  • The Afterlife

  • Clairvoyance

  • Paranormal Investigations

  • Spiritual

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  1. Ruth Kidson

    I agree with you that there are some ‘psychics’ around who are no such thing. But you say:

    The disclaimers talk in terms of ‘adult entertainment’ — tell that to those who are grieving for a loved one and seek consolation in the psychic realms. Entertainment is the last thing on their minds.

    It is now a legal requirement to state that a reading is ‘for entertainment purposes only’. On tarot readings that I do on the TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles) website, I am required to put at the end:
    This reading should be viewed as “entertainment” only; it does not substitute for
    the consultation of medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. This reading is not legally binding.

    Best wishes,

    Ruth Kidson

  2. Rosemary Breen

    I believe you are correct Ruth – but only where UK based consultants are concerned. Indeed, I know of at least one paranormal practitioner who has moved off-shore because she was unwilling to abide by the new laws.

    Im not convinced that the UK law has ‘got it right’ and Id love to hear from other practitioners with their thoughts.

    All the best.

  3. Angel

    Please remember that Spirit is always in control.

    It seems to me you have forgotten this truth entirely. It is the single most important Psychic fact.

    Spirituality must never be subject to Science or political/legal/industrial machinations. Your ego is out of control by my psychic estimation and you have no idea whatsoever of what Spirit is actually intending for us!

    There is only one revolution and it is evolution, which is heart, the art of healing, which is Love.

    So get off of your high ego and start looking within, you will not have time to regulate Spirit, you will be too busy healing. Amen.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Hi Angel

      Thanks for the free consult – I think! You certainly seem like a different type of consultant to the ones I usually approach.

      I tend not to give unsolicited advice. It is something you might like to consider also.

      Love and light



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