Near Death Experiences Other Close Encounters
The following paranormal phenomena statements are extracts about near death experiences from the first spontaneous paranormal survey conducted by Psychic Revolution. These accounts have not been edited but any information that may identify the original contributor has been removed.
I went to a `health professional’ for a normal treatment, and instead, was hypnotized and put through a near-death experience plus other awful ordeals. I was made to `forget’ for a while, but then my memory did return, though all out of order and jumbled up over a period of several months. I did feel that it was a nightmare – the recall of what had occurred. There were aspects of what may have been occult experimenting as part of what I was subjected to.
Someone I confided in, even suggested that it may have been some covert government thing, but I have no idea to this day (since it happened in the late 1970’s.) For many years I was unable to talk about it without becoming distressed, and the event left me permanently more fearful, totally untrusting of `health professionals’ and also seemingly far too `open’ to various psi and occult and after-life influences of all kinds. Since that experience, however, I did continue my education and earned both a B.A. and M.A.
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I have had several near death experiences in my life. This particular one was a fatal auto immune disease of which I was only given half an hour to live. I had a near death experience at the time, but did not realise what this experience was called until I read about it in a Readers Digest book 2 yrs later. I was the first in the Medical History books to have survived … in 1978 at … Hospital. I am called a miracle. I have done immense research into near death experience, and find all paranormal is interrelated. This particular experience was a little bit unusual because I felt I was in a ‘tree trunk’ environment – dark brown. Felt beautiful, and soooo alive. I would humourously say that it definitely was the greatest, most wonderful, spiritual ‘orgasm’ I have experienced. Upon research, not everyone experiences a happy one. White light and pure joy.
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My experiences are too numerous to mention briefly. They began at birth when I was fully aware and thought at first I was an adult. Strangely, I understood & still remember what was being said around me. I began talking in sentences at a few months & walked early too. At age 9 I had a near-death experience. I began Transcendental Meditation at age 15, and then became clairvoyant til I dampened this ability by ‘experimenting’ with substances in the 70s. These paranormal experiences have been a contant, running thru my life. I’m now 52.
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I had attempted suicide, and had a near death experience. Of which for the first time in my life i felt an overwhelming sence of peace and love. I KNEW i was on the lap sitting on Christ, i was told to go back, that i had work yet to do, I wanted to stay, but, felt i needed to obey.
I asked what did i need to do, so to come back, and everything after that was blank… I awoke in a hospital bed. My daughter said that the ER nurses were unnerved, and KNEW that i had had a near death experience which affected them. I apparently at first blocked it out. i believe i wasn’t to remember them. and the meds i was put on.
It has made an abundantly different outlook on death, i was before terrified of death, i know, and i was trying to kill myself it seemed… Not the truth.. i was severely abused mentally and emotionally by my husband / then ex. An incident triggered by him.. .. I couldn’t handle lifes pain anymore..
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my second near-death-expierence – i had it as i were 19 years old. this near-death-experience taught me, that all traumatic things I expierencend in my childhood are irrelevant because the live itself counts.
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My experiences are too numerous to mention briefly. They began at birth when I was fully aware and thought at first I was an adult. Strangely, I understood & still remember what was being said around me. I began talking in sentences at a few months & walked early too.
At age 9 I had a near-death experience. I began Transcendental Meditation at age 15, and then became clairvoyant til I dampened this ability by ‘experimenting’ with substances in the 70s. These paranormal experiences have been a contant, running thru my life. I’m now 52.
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It was … my 19 year old son near death – deep laboured breaths – asleep – in my bed. Sitting at his side I saw and felt a presence. I kept looking – sure I was seeing something – yet whatever it was my eyes were not able to register what I knew was there. I ran to get sketch pad and pencils and sketched – first looking at “nothing’ and then drawing what I still wasn’t seeing with my physical eyes. Completed – I was shocked to see the figure I had sketched – holding my son’s body lovingly and gently cradling his meager 54 pounds – the feeling was of love, and yet the vision was of what I would not believe – it seemed extra-terrestial to me.
In a state of shock – I quickly and lightly coloured over the image to hide it from others yet still preserve it for myself. In research I have since seen the image portrayed. Even now my graditude for the vision and physical energy which seemed a physical expression of love and peace, leaves me perplexed – believing – yet sill surprised, almost shocked.