Spiritually Evolving: Lee Channing August 2012

Spiritual | 2 comments

Here is an extract from Lee Channing’s June 2012 newsletter. To have Lee’s full newsletter Speaking Spiritually delivered to your inbox go to Spirits Evolving now.

Begin Excerpt from Speaking Spiritually by Lee Channing

August 2012

This month is the perfect time for everyone to get away – literally get away from it all at every opportunity. Whether it’s for two weeks, two days, or two hours, find time away from your everyday life. Even if all is going well, get away and enjoy some new energy.

The overall energy for August is fluid, flowing, and will react to stagnant energy. It’s important that you flow with the energy of the moment. Keep things in your life (body, mind, career) moving or suffer the consequences. If you’re sitting quietly on that fence (about any issue), please just jump off – choose one side or the other and get things moving.

The energy color for August is green which means the heart center is wide open and that you need to strive for balance and emotional awareness all month. When the Universal energy settles in the heart center as it is now, you need to be very aware not only of your emotional well-being, but also of your stamina and stability, your organizational skills, and any tendencies toward guilt and jealousy. Above all, of course, you need to be aware that this will be an emotional time, a time demanding you tend to your emotions.

The physical areas most affected are your heart, your lungs, your blood pressure, and your immune system. You will either be very healthy and avoid catching the bug of the season, or you’ll catch everything that goes around. Eat well, exercise in moderation, and get your sunshine (Vitamin D) everyday.

The energy hint for August is to find the natural rhythms in your life. Look for patterns in everything (even your dreams). Seeing patterns is a powerful tool that can help you rebalance your life. We all have patterns – ask yourself which patterns help you move in a healthy direction and which aim you down the painful path to self-destruction. Many people jeopardize their own growth by continuing those old, hurtful patterns/habits. Do you drink too much too often? Stop now. Do you pick arguments with your mate? Stop now (and apologize). Do you forget to eat or exercise appropriately? Begin new patterns now.

Spiritually Speaking – August Moon

Relationships: A good time to evaluate each and every close relationship in your life. If you can put judgment aside, you will make healthier choices for yourself. Most people have at least one relationship that is out of balance, even draining. When you find that one, please work toward releasing it in every way possible. If you can’t literally remove that person from your life, at least learn how to protect yourself from any energetic harm they may cause. Try to relax into all emotionally charged situations and be part of the solution.

Finances: Try very hard to keep your emotions out of your financial transactions this month. If you’re buying a big-ticket item – house, car, etc., make sure that your emotions don’t make the final decision. If you can afford something big now, great, but look toward the future as well and don’t make rash decisions. Love what you buy.



Spiritually Speaking – Finances

End Excerpt from Speaking Spiritually by Lee Channing

Continuing the Conversation

Well Lee, what springs to mind for me is the relationships part of your newsletter. I am certainly working through some issues with a few close relatives. Good to know this month is an appropriate time to be doing so.

Does anything here strike a chord with you?


  • Death Dying

  • Anomaly

  • Supernatural

  • My Dream

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  1. Jen

    There are two parts of this that particularly resonate for me… One is that I am going away for a few days this month… I am renowned for NEVER taking time off, so its hugely unusual for that to be accurate. 🙂

    The second is that there is a very specific issue in my life for which I have been sitting on the fence for quite some time. It is definitely time to “jump off”.

    Nice reading… as always. 🙂

    • Rosemary Breen

      Well, good on you for having a break Jen.

      It is too easy to stay on the treadmill of life sometimes.

      Re the fence sitting, I think sometimes we have to sit there for a while because the universe is working on alignments elsewhere. And, for me, when I jump it is usually because it feels right. No point in jumping off a fence and landing on a picket. Too painful in my experience 🙂

      Hope you enjoy your days off.




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