photo credit: el diablo robotico
Who Plays in the Psychic Realm?
Every year millions of hours are spent in private psychics-clairvoyants consultations. People choose their clairvoyant, make an appointment or speak online immediately, and all this is done often and without much thought. Why do users turn to clairvoyants? The list of reasons is long and wide. Some seek solace in times of grief; others are looking for excitement and fun. While the motivation for the consultation is rarely discussed, it is the outcome of the transaction (for that is what it is) that interests me more.
Clients are unlikely to prepare themselves for their sessions by asking such questions as “what do I hope to get out of this?” or “how will I get value for money?” but these are just the questions, I suggest that should be asked. Who owns the psychic realms? Who are the gatekeepers and are they charging a fair price for access? Generally, the supernatural planes are not discussed in such terms and yet I think it is for this very reason that so many charlatans are allowed to flourish. The question of whether all psychics are equal is a question for another time. that’s a different issue. What I’m calling for is more accountability and guarantees regarding quality of service. Is it too much to ask? With the advent of online psychic websites it is now possible to choose from a smorgasbord or talent.
Photos, audios, bios and even testimonies are the order of the day. But have you ever looked behind these sites, at the small print? It makes for interesting reading, or not, depending on whether you are a user or non-user, sceptic or believer. Some disclaimer statements refer to on-selling personal information (I wonder what that means, given we are talking about oftentimes very personal information not only about the client but also those who are drawn into the session from the metaphysical spheres). There is even talk of psychic sessions being for entertainment purposes only. Tell that to the grieving widow or the distressed parent. I doubt if they’ve signed up for a round of diversion and amusement. Such people are oftentimes vulnerable and lacking in judgement. Is this a case for more openness in the industry?
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Websites can reserve the right to edit or omit any feedback items which they consider inappropriate, whatever that means. Seemingly this allows them to control the image which they project. Not very reassuring I would suggest. I’m not talking about content here. Where are the regulations and consumer protection?
There is always the old dictum ‘buyer beware’ but that is not enough. The psychic industry is huge. It involves numerous people – on both sides of the transaction – and yet it’s almost impossible to get any data on the industry. How much money is ‘invested’ in this type of ‘entertainment’? How many individuals derive their income from this source? How many people use the services of psychics and how often do they outlay their cash? And just as importantly, are the end users satisfied customers? Sure, feedback is subjective. Sure, it is open to misinterpretation but what is the alternative. Silence! It’s been the only option for too long. I don’t know the answer to these questions but I’m going to try and find out. Someone has to.
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What is ironic about who believes he or she owns the psychic realms is that at least one group thinks so. Some of the most clever people who work in advertizing. Both psychologically and then sometimes parapsychologically, advertizers can get into our minds and make us think thoughts that are not our own thoughts, but we think we are doing our own thinking. We are self-deceived, but the deceving is induced by outside forces of persuasion.
We can’t review our thoughts too often to check on if they are our own thoughts or not.
MMM Bill.
This is the old question about advertising and persuasion in a new format, isnt it?
Where do we end and the ‘other’ start? Great philosophers have reflected on the question of self and identity for thousands of years, and have come up with many words that progress the discussion but don’t necessarily resolve it.
I agree that marketing is very persuasive (I once ran a PR company even) but ultimately I’m comfortable with the view that sane adults can and must be responsible for their own deeds and thoughts.
I love catching myself in the process of thinking. This meta analysis is very time consuming but it does appeal to my love of exploration.
It may have an unpleasant sound to some.
Yet, someday, psychics and those whose professions bordering on the paranormal such as spiritual healers, will have to develope a ranking system. For other things we do in life, like going to a dentist or choosing a builder for a skyscraper, we look at their qualifications.
None of us like too much regulation, but some of it is necessary in a modern society. Why should psychics and healers be excluded from the rest of society?
I have been watching the Greed programs on CNBC. It’s amazing how many registered and trained financial whizes turn out to be crooks. Someone wasn’t watching the store. Yet these fellows had the right credentials. In some cases they lied about their qualifications. Now, that was something that could be checked.
I know most of us want to look good to others. It takes some strange courage to lie about our backgrounds to look good – such things as fake Ph.D.s. Who to seek out as a psychic? We need to have better ways of believability, if modern society ever accepts the practises of psi as part of the everyday world.
Hi Love
I for one am happy with the idea of regulating the paranormal industry. Like everything in life it is open to charlatans and frauds and I think that is the important thing to remember.
The paranormal industry os no different to any other industry. Im not sure we have actually nailed the religion ‘industry’ to well as there seems to be loop holes through which some practitioners are able to move.
So, yes, bring on the regulation; set up the review panels and let the genuine practitioner rise to the top.
hello 🙂
As someone who is active in both the psychic and paranormal fields, I can honestly say that regulation and standardisation is sorely needed to protect the consumer and genuine practitioners and researchers alike. Memberships of organisations (professional or otherwise) are not guarantees for best practice and ethical code of conduct.
Hi ANdrea
Lovely to hear from you.
As a member of the public I agree with you. Membership is a good start but that in and of itself does not necessarily provide the safety net that the consumer needs.
Isnt there some sort of regulation coming in in the UK? Or did I dream that?
Perhaps you or someone else on the forum can refresh my memory? It needs refreshing often – Ive even forgotten where the refresh button is 🙂
I believe there is some type of regulation in the UK, although over there you need to be intensively doing the spiritual churches circuit to be really recognised as a reader.
In Aus however the churches are not anywhere near that popular to give them that sort of power. I have studied with the Australian College of Mediumship for 3 years before I was put through rigorous testing to get my accreditation.
This is however not a recognised qualification, but I know how thorough the process was and that I why I chose to do it that way.
I know my stuff and so do my teachers and I am confident not only in my abilities but code of conduct as well. Not to beat my own drum by all means lol.
Just saying that there are some out there who are trying to move this field forward. Have to say it is meeting some resistance from some conservatives in the field. Having said that just think where we would be now if that had stopped Charles Darwin from introducing the idea of evolution to the science of natural history :).
Hi Andrea
Im not a practitioner and so can ask, who are the conservatives that you mention? Are they within the Spiritualist Church or independents gathered to give a loud single voice?
In my opinion, the Spiritualist Churches downunder are far fewer in number and less influential than in the UK. Do you agree and if you do, why do you think this is?
Cheers Andrea
I went to see Pumpi in Barnet-Herfordshire I give her 10 0ut o 10. She only took my first name and said everything correct about my life. All other prediction so far also came true .
Hello Poja
Welcome to Psychic Revolution.
As you can probably guess, this is an international site and most of here would not be familiar with Pumpi. Would you like to tell us some more perhaps about her?
Hey Rosemary, I saw the title PSYCHIC SCAMS and it reminded me of real gold and silver compared to electroplated.
I know what happened to me and the other witness and it was very real. 24 karat.
Humans could not have made the resounding banging crescendo that traveled through the windows, walls and inner doors not accessible from outside.
And the apporting was very strange. Very strange but the deceased did get our attention.
Your last sentence brought a smile to my face – thanks for that!
Sometimes the deceased do get our attention and at other times we want to connect and can’t.
For those who are in the latter group, the question is where is the switch to turn this ability back on?
Hi Rosemary,
I’ve given a great deal of thought to the question of professional ethics for psychics/mediums and I don’t see government regulation as a way to improve the quality of service available to the public.
In the past, all psychic activity was suspect, treated as “the work of the devil”, confused with witchcraft or generally outlawed. There are even some countries and some states or provinces within countries that still have laws against any form of divination or prognostication.
In general, lawmakers do best at regulating areas of commerce where there is a physical, measurable process involved as in banking or food safety (until the Reagan/Thatcher/Bushes era, at least).
Attempting to regulate subjective experience is not something I would entrust to lawmakers.
The law is too blunt an instrument and lawmakers will be influenced very strongly by their religious or personal convictions, adding another layer of subjectivity to the pile. Nor can we insist that potential customers to adhere to some strict protocol in preparing for a reading.
I may deplore the “psychic hotline” sites that abound these days on the web but I don’t think blanket legislation is the way to go. Rather, we need to recommend to anyone who is serious about consulting a psychic to look for one who has gone to the trouble and personal expense to become members of professional research organisations such as Windbridge Institute, The American (or British or Australian or whatever) Society for Psychical Research, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, International Association for Near-Death Studies, or similar professional bodies. A serious psychic will want to be involved in ongoing research in the field and related areas.
In terms of providing consumer protection, there are already online services that test psychics and rate them. There are also sites like Hello, Peter! where dissatisfied customers can report a company or individual who has provided poor service, defective products, presented misleading advertising, made false claims, etc. Naming and shaming works extremely well on the web as the recent case in Uganda has shown.
My personal view is that we cannot outlaw stupidity and no matter how we may try to safeguard the unwary, one of the things we are all here to learn is how to exercise our power of discernment. Perhaps, those who call psychic hotlines or visit such assembly-line websites are doing so as part of a much larger learning experience which is based on their freedom of choice. If they don’t get what they need from the psychic they choose, or if they are fed a line of BS that they happily accept, they will continue to have such experiences until they learn to think before they act, to take time to find The Right Psychic for them, and to do some soul-searching before seeking a psychic in the first place.
The reality is that, for most people, a psychic reading is an “impulse buy”, much like snatching a chocolate bar from the candy counters that are positioned near the check-outs in supermarkets. Psychics in private practice are more likely to attract “serious” clients who are seeking insight into some aspect of their lives that they feel they aren’t seeing clearly enough. It is enormously rewarding to work with such clients which is why I do what I do.
I consider myself to be a practical psychic; I don’t go around telling clients they were Cleopatra or Napoleon in a previous life. I don’t claim to have a direct line to an “ascended master” or to have been born with 12 strands of DNA or to be in contact with “Pleiadians”, “Arcturians”, or the “Annanuki”.
I deal with the real lives of my clients; I do not make claims that cannot be verified. If I can’t ‘get’ anything on some issue of concern to a client I say so and offer to re-visit the issue later at no charge if the client wishes it. I do not see how government regulation could improve my service.
In addition, all transactions are done through PayPal which provides an annual statement for my bank and my accountant at tax time. Everything is transparent so clients can have confidence that they are not dealing with a scammer. If people want to spend their money on “psychic hotlines” or even on slot machines, that is their prerogative. They may be foolish but they must have freedom to choose how they want to live.
Oh Delia
You write so eloquently and put forward a well reasoned line of argument. Indeed, it would seem from your writing that you are a practical person also.
Thank you for joining the discussion.
There are three of your points that particularly resonate with me.
First, the law as a blunt instrument; indeed I see this so often in Australia and comment how legislation either relates to the lowest common denominator in society or aims to dumb us all down.
Secondly, I deplore the psychic hotlines also. It is a sad possibility that they not only fulfil a need but also perpetuate that need. It is the co-dependency element that I, in particular abhor. I’m more one for empowering a person and then taking joy from seeing them moving them along in their lives, rather than supporting them in their dependency. But, I guess that isn’t good for business – sigh!
Thirdly, while membership of reputable organisations is certainly a positive sign, I would go further. I think there is value to be had in setting up professional development schemes (similar to what is in place for accountants etc) that ensure practitioners are on the radar, feel part of a profession, build networks and back their on the job training with theoretical and practical knowledge. I guess, in this way, I’d be hoping that by raising the professionalism of paranormal practitioners there would be a flow on to the wider community, including the law makers.
I’ve had a look around your site – and suggest others do too. While reading I saw one of your articles on numbers and I remember we have a long discussion going here about the same.
Regulation of psychics is going to happen IMHO. It will bring some bad feelings though. Why? Because when you start to rate or quality someone for an etheral profession, you are messing with his sor her money, among other things.
Spindrift Research had big plans for testing and rating spiritual healers and I might add psychics. Several of the Spindrift Experiments show not only a modest healing ability or not of a person providing spiritual intentions or spiritual prayer treatmensts to a test situation. Some of the these experiments show a degree of psychic ability or lack of it in the test context.
The power of prayer and the actions of psychic thought overlap.
This testing process brought enormous attacks on the founders and members of Spindrift. Accountability should encourage people about who they hire as a healer or psychic. Instead of encouragement, Spindrit mostly got rage.
It’s true that most of us as human beings rebel againt rules and regulations. Yet, to get along in a civil society, some regulation is required. For the paranormal to become closer to normal, some degree of accountability should emerge. It would help the consumer of psychic advice to know that the person he or she hires has a degree of proven ability.
Hi Bill
Im a bit unclear about what you mean in the second paragraph.
It seems you have been the target of rage though.
When you have time perhaps you could explain a bit more please about the experiments, what Spindrift is working on at the moment and how you regard the wave of rage – was it coming from individuals or a collective?
Cheers Bill
Hello Andrea,
As a UK resident I am not aware of any regulations (others will probably prove me wrong, please) for either professional or amateur psychic practitioners.
In my own experience though, I have found a vast difference in the reliability of readings.
Over the years I have visited Mind, Body and Spirit expositions and tried a few of the services on offer. Perhaps I don’t play the game as a client in a truthful way as I try to control my thoughts and body language which could be a give away to the reader. On most occasions I have left the “psychic” thinking they have done a good job when in actual fact I have been fed a load of drivel. There have, however, been readings, mostly in private homes, where the predictions have been spot on and neither myself or the psychic would have known about the situations at the time of the reading.
If I pay for a reading, I do not expect a catalogue of my past as I can remember most of the important things that have happened to me up to now. What I require from a reading is some idea of what could/might be in store for me in the future. This could give me the chance to use my free will to avoid unpleasantness, but then again I am a fatalist and would expect my life plan to pan out regardless of how I might try to change things to my advantage.
I am not a sceptic of parapsychology, only of some of the practitioners.
Love and Light to all.
Hi, Rosemary,
Thank you for your response to my comment on regulating “the psychic industry”.
Perhaps it would be useful to put the idea to legal experts in Australia to draft some sample legislation of the type you would like to see in use.
Deft legal minds would be needed in any case at some point in the process of proposing a Bill before Parliament and looking for Members to sponsor it. It might even be useful to begin with the politicians to see what they think of the idea. If one or more potential sponsors can be found amongst the Members, perhaps they would have the resources to have a draft version drawn up. Without seeing the actual terms of such proposed legislation, it is difficult to debate the idea on its merits.
Just an idea…
Seems like a good idea and Im sure it has been thought about in Australia.
Two points: first, IMO, paranormal practitioners are not as pervasive in Australia as in, in my experience, the UK. Second, I think there has to be a trigger for legislative change and we have not had that in Australia. As I speak, our papers here are filled with news of the Denver massacre and our renewed calls for America to reconsider its gun laws; yet, even such an event will not trigger (pardon the pun) change.
In my experience with Psychics the answer is yes; there are some very ethical and moral souls out there, and some not so ethical and moral souls.
But ultimately, it’s all up to me. If it is to be… it’s up to me. A Brian Tracy, quote.
Ethics and morals separate the advanced souls from the not so advanced souls. Ethics and morals are in the realm of the Gods. We cannot have Gods without Ethics and Morals.
This is how powerful real ethics and moral really are.
I hadnt thought of it that wat before Lawrence – I like the connection you make between divinity and ethics and morals.
Hi Rosemary,
Yes! that is how I percieve it. Everything in the universe has a formula – a process, a path a way of being, and ethics and morals is another path. Its a very very high divine celestial, ambrosial, spiritual path that all the masters must be on in order to be concidered a master. They must walk the walk, as well as talk the talk.
The eternal conficts throught out history,have always been about the moral and ethical problems of the times,all the epics, the classics,the so called religions,dabble in the moral and ethical equation. It is also a very individual battle as well,we ponder,wonder,meditate,contemplate,on this internal problem.We all must pass the test,or return to this planet for futher education,on this matter,hope all is well….Blessings
As far a psychics are concerned, they should be rated by some ethical and moral scale, or yardstick, so that the public can protect themselves from the unethical frauds, that do exist. Maybe a better business bureau, a type of evaluation for a guideline. This world does not afford us much protection and comfort; we are extremely vunrable and open to the abuses of this dark world of woe, so we must educate ourselves and empower ourselves.
There are concerns about quality in psychic readings. Who is adequately skilled to do that? Surely not a bureaucrat and definitely not a government body.
I have been working professionally as a psychic and healer for over 38 years. I have devoted decades of my life and sacrificed normal wages and usual social freedoms and the general social acceptance by conservatives and religious groups in order to assist people. The studies and efforts have been extensive.
I am unwilling to have someone limit my work. That someone also is highly unlikely to have as extensive knowledge as I have. I say limit – because that is what is always done once the modern version of ‘accountability’ is introduced.
I have seen this occur with healing courses – they are reduced to a mechanistic alternative system that mainstream can comprehend rather than continue to be opportunities for genuine restoration of wholeness and at times incorporate the miraculous.
Life itself is a risk is the fact. If we remove each risk then we also remove the opportunity for people to learn and grow from their choices. I am not for external ‘management’ of psychic work of any kind. I do not even teach students to work a particular way.
I teach to awaken the extra sensory perceptions and then offer various models to use as a basis until they develop their own and they are guided on how to develop their own. Psychic work and healing work is not essentialist and neither are those who do the work. Standards are almost impossible to enforce in any case, since, like relationships, such as in the therapeutic relationship between a psychotherapist and a client, no other person is able to qualify the benefits nor to quantify how often it is helpful to the client.
Governments will also become involved if formal bureaucratic lists are made. Governments cannot be trusted to not misuse such lists. I have always taught my students to steer clear of external formal bodies and governing systems designed to organise them and their work. Each person is answerable to their own inner connectedness. The fact is that an ineffective psychic or healer cannot continue to function. People will stop requesting their services. It is only those who are genuine who can continue to do their work.
Thank you White Crow for contributing to the discussion. There are many who would agree with you, Im sure. Alas, Im not one of them.
I prefer to look at the paranormal field from the point of the consumer, rather than only the practitioner. As in all things in life there are charlatans and the public does need some means of discerning genuine psychics etc from those who are scam artists. I think regulation will probably help members of the public as well as add to the status of parapsychology in the community.
Maybe, as a non-practitioner my viewpoint is skewed?
Perhaps we cam just agree to disagree White Crow.