Spiritually Evolving: Lee Channing November 2012

Spiritual | 9 comments

Here is an extract from Lee Channing’s November 2012 newsletter. To have Lee’s full newsletter Speaking Spiritually delivered to your inbox go to Spirits Evolving now.

November Energy is Blue

November is a month filled with not only learning possibilities, but much healing in various parts of our lives. You can use the calm, relaxing energy to heal past hurts and release your attachment to that pain.

Live in the present remembering that all our power resides in this moment – we should not focus on our energy issues from the past, and we need not wait until the future. Work today to make your life more fulfilling and content. Begin today to create the life you truly wish to enjoy. If you allow yourself to spend time too much time swimming in self-criticism, self-doubt, and even self-hatred, you will pay a high price. You certainly don’t need/want that I’m sure. See the light inside you and let it shine outward into your life – much can be done from that healthier perspective.

Pay close attention to your dreams this month. Keep a Dream Journal by the bed and write down your feelings (or details) in the mornings. I’ll include my suggestions on how to most easily keep a Dream Journal under the “Did You Know” column. This month sleep, dreams, even visions, are important to each and every one of us, so pay close attention to any messages you receive.

The energy color for November is blue, a bright, beautiful blue indicating a time of relaxation, healing, and more easily connecting with your deepest truth.

It is a time to focus upon refined creativity – finishing projects – so put the final touches on that masterpiece. As many of you know, blue indicates a time when communication (oral and written) takes on more importance. You must pay close attention to the words of others and, more importantly, your own words (to others and when talking to self). You will feel the emotions and energy surrounding every conversation, and you’d be wise to process it all rapidly: Do everything you can to create healthy lines of communication. Remember that when blue is active and you are having a bad day, you may feel very sad and develop some sleep disorder (too much or too little sleep). Be prepared for that possibility and that awareness will ward off any deep energy drains.

Blue Energy and Communication

Blue is connected to the throat chakra so the physical areas most affected are your throat, ears, thyroid, and respiratory system. As usual, that area may be stronger than ever or more subject to problems than ever. If you get a sore throat, ear ache, or cough, see your health professional, take your herbs, do whatever you can to support that area. Several hints on nurturing that throat chakra: Try homeopathic remedies; use hydrotherapy (simply put, be in and around [and drink] water) as much as possible. Seriously, take longer showers, take a trip to the river or the ocean, and, above all, keep your environment moist (may need to buy a humidifier if the heat is on).

The energy hint for November is to honor yourself. Truly be one with your own energy and reacquaint yourself with the deepest part of yourself. That sounds a bit scary to some I know, but only by knowing yourself can you move into a more content life. Ignoring yourself just doesn’t work and many people continue to do that all their lives. Know yourself, love and respect yourself, and you’ll find yourself feeling stronger and more alive.


Relationships: Talk, talk, talk. This month is a powerful time for clearing up any misunderstandings with others. If you have that sick feeling that something “isn’t right” between you and a relative, friend, or co-worker, do all you can to clear the air. Most people will be open to your truth and worthwhile conversations.

Finances: Calmly accept your current financial situation while working toward feeling more comfortable in that situation. If you need to make dramatic changes, the clear energy this month will allow you to do just that. If you can remain calm and relaxed in all financial matters, things will come together.


Beginning the Conversation

Well, if you are like me the words talk talk talk provoke fear. I have been told many times my power is in my voice and yet I use it rarely. My children would say otherwise; I have little or no fear of public speaking; yet my speaking these days amounts to writing and little else.

For those of you who have followed this bog for a while now you will know that I have not only been writing here but writing on another blog and indeed writing books. It seems 2012 will go down in my life as the year of the word – and yet the word is written, not spoken.

And now Lee is asking us to talk. Well strangely that is what Im about to do. Many of us have elderly parents and Im no exception; and mine need my help for a while. So, Im going to take a break from tapping at the Psychic Revolution keyboard and attend to the other areas of my life that I’ve let slide – only a bit mind you – but nonetheless my family need me a bit more now!

Soon, my youngest daughter will be through her final school exams (she has just been named joint dux of her school – equal first among 300+ students), and she and I will be heading off to Europe for a mother/daughter celebration of her life. Before I go, however I need to travel interstate and be with my parents. They complain little, ask for nothing and they need my help – even if they dont need it.

So, I will be talking and listening to my family for the next bit, and in the new year I shall return to the revolution.

So, Ill take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and every good wish for….2013.



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  1. Hope M. Holt

    How strange that I should read this after having a dream that bolted me straight up in bed. You should know that I remember little of my dreams and when I do they tend to be negative and or depressing in some sense. As much as I wanted to dream of my deceased husband Paul, I dream instead of my ex. Being with him and knowing that I do not want to be there. Rather prison like dreams being held where I do not want to be. Yet last night I dreamt that I was with Paul and 2 others traveling. I do not know whether these 2 were my grown kids or people that we both knew in our life.

    In this dream I felt discarded. You were trying to decide who to be with one person was like Marlo Thomas the other unavailable to you. Farrah Faucet comes to mind, her being dead I do not understand why she would be the other choice but it is a dream.

    I loved you yet you didn’t want me or did at one time but was moving on going places and events without me. Upon asking about 2 attractions that you wanted to go to tomorrow I inquired about the 2nd event that interested me. You said given our circumstances it seems odd. We were separated by his hand not mine. I wanted him back. He remembered the love we had but was letting me go. I was jelous of who he chose to go too though undecided.

    I wanted him back and was upset that he was considering going. I tried to act as if I did not care but I did. I still loved him and tried to get him to remember the love, Not by memories but by letting him see what he fell in love with. I was so disapointed that I was going to have to let him go despite of my Love, because you can’t make someone love you. It is a choice and that saddened me knowing that.

    Back to “real life” now. Let it be known that before this dream I have been telling Paul that though I Love him I know that he has his heavenly work to do. That I Love the fact that he rings the broken front doorbell to say hello. I understand if he needed to move on. That I did not want to keep him spiritually in my world to give me comfort if he needed to move on.

    I have also felt as if there are gaurdian angels looking over me more than ever as a feeling of comfort and joy towards life comes to me after nearly 3 years of feeling lost. I embrace this new found feeling of joy and thank the great beyond not taking it for granted for one minute. I have become more of my former self as of late. One can not be as they were before grief. We adjust to this new normal that lays before us. Very hard to embrace indeed. It is only recently that I have found joy and contentment knowing who I was all along. One who embraces life and though I can see and read people the good and the bad I can feel the good coming though. The good in this life is easily recognised as never before. People see that glow in me. And though it might be a 10-3 ratio I still beam at the thought that the positive good people can see the good inside me that was for lack of better word squashed because of grief.

    Dec 6th 2012 will be 3 years since I Lost my Love. Knowing that he has been here all along has been a comfort. The dream that I had tells me that I can let him go to perform his heavenly chores but he will always be in my heart regardless of what he choses to do.

    Thank you for listening, I thought it odd that this dream occured in the cross roads of grief. Finding my new self the optomist that always was. The joy that was buried with grief. The Love that I feel for my (dead) husband. Will allow me to finally feel joy and contentment so long gone from this life. And I do not take that for granted not one single moment.

    By the way I have always been more spiritual than religious. Initially skeptical of the signs before me. But there have been WAY to many coincidences to be mere coincidences. I have looked up serendipity as that seems to be happening more and more. It is as life’s little gifts, little things happen as the joy and spritituality grows within. The skeptic is a small part of me now. But just with the ringing of the broken doorbell even changing tones. Ringing during the times I question this life, feel despair or happiness. It is something more that I can not yet describe. A love and patience that I am supposed to feel towards all around me. Something that is wonderful, never before felt. I am thankful for this new way of thinking and the dream? Perhaps letting me know that letting Paul go to heaven to do his heaven chores does not mean that I have stopped loving him but that I Love him enough to allow him the happiness that he deserves…

    • Rosemary Breen

      Oh Hope – what a lovely way to take another step through grief; three years on and your love seems as strong as ever. Indeed, they don’t leave us until we are ready, and maybe grieving is a necessary part of that letting go. It would seem that you have just let go a little more. And of course, there is always the other side.

      Take care and be gentle with yourself Hope. Im sure that is what Paul would want too.



  2. Jen

    Wow. These readings come through so clearly sometimes. This is very reflective of my current mood and situation… and I have been wearing blue every day for a week – something I don’t usually do all that much. Interesting.
    Congratulations to your daughter. 🙂

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thanks Jen.

      It is a big achievement and she has a lot more gas left in her tank. So, who knows where she will go?



  3. Stacy

    I’ve been there with parents and grandparents at the same time. My thoughts are with you. Your daughter is awesome as is her mother!

    • Rosemary Breen

      I am deeply touched by your word awesome.

      Thank you Stacey.


  4. jennie

    Hi Rosemary
    Talk,talk talk. Well I do plenty of that so much so I have lost my voice.

    Enjoy your family. I would give my last breath to talk to my mum and dad in the way I use to.

    You must be very proud of your daughter.

    I love Lee’s news letter, and blue is one of my colours, and a lot of people say its all around me in my aura.

    Its refreshing to know people will be open to what we have to say this month.

    Have a great time with your family and a good Christmas to you too.

    • Rosemary Breen

      Thanks Jennie.

      That bit about ‘give my last breath’ resonates with me.

      Thank you.

      Have a ‘good one’ 🙂


  5. Lawrence

    Thank you Rosemary for your beautiful, spiritual thoughts, and words. They are the most powerful force in the Universe; the greatest medicine for a wounded soul such as my self.

    I am struggling with material energy,as is every other soul. Your beautiful words are like wind in my sails.

    Stay beautiful Rosemary, stay spiritual, stay blessed.



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