Thanks for your interest in writing for Psychic Revolution.
Primarily this site relies on input from me.
However, I openly welcome insights, knowledge and wisdom from members of the PR community in the form of great content. Articles need to be original and have not been (and will not be) published elsewhere online. Please ensure you feel comfortable before guaranteeing this exclusivity.
So, if you have a pet theme, interest or you are an expert or enthusiast in a aspect of the paranormal I’d love you to get involved.
For those wishing to write a guest post for commercial purposes please note there is a fee involved. Email me for more details.
What Works Well at Psychic Revolution
I prefer guest posts that:
- offer a new or fresh insight
- shed new light on a paranormal topic
- offer practical advice.
From a practical point of view, I ask that articles:
- be between 500 and 1000 words in length – quality is more important than number of words
- include a headline, body text, a byline about you the writer (if you wish), and a creative commons image
- include links to other credible third-party website where appropriate
- please write with your voice but try to avoid slang, swearing and grammatical errors
- ensure that your article and image do not infringe any copyright laws
- if there is a relevant link to a page on your blog please include this but be sure it is relevant
- be willing for your article to be edited.
First Step
If you have an article ready to go, please forward it to me.
If you would like to pitch your idea to me before you submit an article feel free to contact me.
I can be contacted via: