Paranormal Activities

The following paranormal activities statements are from the spontaneous paranormal survey conducted by Psychic Revolution. These accounts have not been edited but any information that may identify the original contributor has been removed. To read other accounts now check out Ghost Stories.


I was sitting on the toilet in the Edwardian house of an old lady who was a good friend (we were sixty years apart!) The door to the corridor was open and I saw someone walk along. I expected them to turn up the stairs but they didn’t. When I told my friend she said, “Oh that’s Mother.” I didn’t believe in ghosts at all although my family were said to be psychic and read tealeaves etc. I was struck most of all by the way she had apparently disappeared through a wall. I still didn’t really believe in ghosts!

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I see people walking in old buildings periodically. At one location, I asked a friend if there was anyone who was reported to walk the catwalk and she said yes. The people have never noticed that anyone was around them. They would act as though they were oblivious of their surroundings.

I felt they had lived before but had just left their print here as they were really connected to what they did here. My aunt had a ghost in her bathroom that she named George. Everyone who used the bathroom felt a presence. I never saw George but experienced his presence when I used the bathroom. We found out George used to live in the house and died in the bathroom. He never bothered any one, but he did not like us using his bathroom and made sure we felt it.

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