Visual Auras – Parapsychological Definition:
Auras are fields of subtle, multicolored, luminous radiations said to surround living bodies as a halo or cocoon; the term is occasionally used to refer to the normal electromagnetic field forces surrounding the body.
[Latin, from the Greek, “breath of air”]
Related Term:
Kirlian Photography
A type of high-voltage, high-frequency photography, developed in the Soviet Union by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, which records on photographic film the so-called “corona discharge” of an object caused by ionization of the field surrounding that object; it is claimed by some that this process indicates the existence of hitherto unknown radiations or energy fields such as “bioplasma” or the “psychic aura.”
Thalbourne, M. (2003). Glossary of Terms Used in Parapsychology (Puente Publications). Refer Parapsychological Association